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October 1, 2013 by
Brandon Merritt: Answers to Questions on Health Care Plan

Charleston Daily Mail - The headlines and misinformation about Obamacare have left many people confused about the law and what they have to do it comply with it. Read To help clear the air, let's review some of the most common questions people have about Obamacare. Do I have to sign up for Obamacare? No.…

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May 10, 2024 by
SNAP Restrictions Fail to Connect Vulnerable Residents to Work While Straining Charitable Food Providers

In July 2023, West Virginia reimplemented pre-pandemic time limits for some adults receiving food assistance via the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The time limits apply to adults between 18 and 52 (up to 54 in September 2024) without a documented disability and without children under 18 in the household, often referred to as “able-bodied…

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February 12, 2021 by
Gov. Justice Outlines Harmful Plan to Eliminate State Personal Income Tax During State of the State Address

The Governor's annual State of the State address took place this Wednesday evening. During the address, Governor Justice previewed a troubling plan to eliminate the income tax by increasing the sales tax, cutting services, and using one-time federal stimulus money to close the gap. Here's WVCBP executive director Kelly Allen's statement on the address: "Every good…

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February 10, 2023 by
Senate Tax Cut Plan Not What Was Promised to Average West Virginians, Poses Significant Risks of Future Tax Increases or Budget Cuts

Over the course of a six-hour period, the West Virginia Senate unveiled their tax cut proposal, rushed it through committee (without a fiscal note, hearing testimony from a single witness, or any members asking any questions), and suspended the rules requiring three days of readings to pass it out of the chamber. While lawmakers repeatedly…

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August 12, 2022 by
Senate Plan for Amendment Two Relies on Unrealistic Revenue and Spending Assumptions, Would Quickly Become Unsustainable

Amendment Two, or the Property Tax Modernization Amendment, will be on the ballot this November for West Virginia voters to consider. If passed, it would amend the constitution to give the state legislature the authority to exempt business machinery and equipment, business inventory, and personal vehicles from property taxation. As such, passage of the amendment…

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November 21, 2015 by
Thankful for Our Budget Beat Readers

How Much Would a Pro-Work Tax Credit Directly Support Your Community? This week the Invest in Working Families Coalition launched its new website which shows just how much a pro-work tax credit would help hard-working West Virginians. State EITC Coalition Coordinator Seth DiStefano kicks off Monday's event A West Virginia EITC would help more people keep…

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April 2, 2021 by
HB 3300, the WV House Plan to Eliminate the State Personal Income Tax Crosses Over to Senate, Significant Changes on the Table

This week, the Senate Finance Committee took up HB 3300, the House’s personal income tax cut plan, and made significant changes before quickly passing it out of committee. Unlike the House plan, which phased out the income tax over time with no revenue offsets, the Senate’s plan is more similar to the governor’s proposal, making a…

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March 31, 2021 by
ReImagine Appalachia Applauds the Pittsburgh Announcement of President Biden’s American Jobs Plan

For Immediate Release: March 31, 2021Contact: Renee Alves, 559-916-5939 Pittsburgh, PA – Today, March 31, President Biden came to Pittsburgh, PA, to deliver an address laying out his American Jobs Plan, a large-scale federal investment in American workers and infrastructure. ReImagine Appalachia, a broad coalition of organizations dedicated to bringing about a 21st century economy that works for all…

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