TEAM for West Virginia Children and Prevent Child Abuse WV
Jim McKay is State Coordinator of Prevent Child Abuse WV, a project of TEAM for WV Children. Jim has helped create and lead various initiatives including Our Babies: Safe & Sound, Partners in Prevention, Circle of Parents WV, the WV ACEs Coalition, the State Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children, and the Legislative Action Team for Children and Families. Previously, he was Program Director at Time Out Youth Shelter for Runaways from 2000-2005, Program Director for the Education Alliance from 1995-2000, and Legislative Assistant to the Speaker of WV House of Delegates from 1992 – 1995. Jim lives in Weirton, WV and is a current active member of the WVCBP’s advisory committee.
Marshall University
Dr. Marybeth Beller serves as an Associate Professor of Political Science at Marshall University. A native West Virginian, Marybeth earned a BA from WV State University, an MA from Marshall University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky, where she specialized in Public Policy and American Political Institutions. Her courses include Public Opinion and Propaganda; Data Analysis; Urban Administration and First Year Seminar. Prior to joining the faculty at Marshall University, Marybeth served as a program administrator for senior nutrition services in Boone, Fayette, Clay, Kanawha and Putnam Counties.
Northern WV Brownfields Assistance Center
Carrie M. Staton is the Director of the Northern WV Brownfields Assistance Center at West Virginia University. Carrie provides strategic direction and oversight for the Center and its programs, including development and management of internal processes; program development and implementation; financial and administrative oversight; and partnership development and management. Carrie also serves as the Director of WVU BAD Buildings, which provides technical assistance and resources to communities to address abandoned and dilapidated properties. Carrie is a proud alum of Bethany College, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Nonprofit Administration, and of West Virginia University, where she received a Master of Public Administration. She is a member of the Leadership WV Class of 2016 and was named one of Generation Next’s Top 40 Under 40 Leaders in 2018. She currently serves as the Past Chair of the Abandoned Properties Coalition and is a founding member of the Community Collaborative Network Steering Committee.
Inroads, Author, Community Advocate
LaKeisha Barron-Brown earned her Master’s of Art in Correctional Counseling from Marshall University in 2002. Ms. Barron-Brown has worked in various capacities within social service, higher education and the criminal justice system. Ms. Barron-Brown is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., which focuses on providing public service primarily to the Black Community. Ms. Barron-Brown serves on the WV State Advocacy Committee for the American Heart Association-WV. She has founded Hearts United, Inc., a non-profit organization focused on educating the community about the importance of healthy hearts and healthy living. Ms. Barron-Brown has a strong passion for social justice reform, women’s rights and youth initiatives. She lives in Charleston, WV.
Kanawha County Communities in Schools
Yvonne S. Lee is a licensed Social worker since 2011. Yvonne has her MSW, and is currently a PhD candidate who has been serving as the Lead Social Worker since 2015 for the Healthy Grandfamilies program. Yvonne currently teaches as a full time professor in the social work department at West Virginia State University. Yvonne serves on the board of WV Cares, Charleston Institute Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Inc., WV ACES coalition, Kanawha Chapter of the NAACP, and WV CAN. Yvonne participates in her community as a mentor, advocate, and leader for at-risk youth. Yvonne is also an entrepreneur; she owns her own business called My September Llc. which provides case management to aged and disabled waiver participants. Yvonne lives in St. Albans, WV.
SEIU District 1199
Sherri McKinney became a member of SEIU District 1199 in 1994, serving in different capacities as the cope chair, organizing chair, delegate and bargaining team committee. In 1999, Sherri started working full time with District 1199 as an Administrative Organizer. During her career Sherri has held many positions within District 1199 from AO, Coordinator, Political Director, Organizing Director and currently the Region 1 Director overseeing the work of 6 staff members servicing members across WV, KY and Southern Ohio. Sherri has held many roles in the labor community across WV, Sherri was the President of the SWDLC, A WV AFL- CIO VP and a member of the SWDLC Labor Hall of Fame. Sherri was born and raised in South Point, Ohio and currently resides in Huntington, WV.
Painters and Allied Trades Union IUPAT DC 53
Brian Stanley is the Director of Organizing for the Painters and Allied Trades in West Virginia and surrounding areas. He is past president of the Parkersburg Area Labor Council. Brian also serves on the Our Children Our Future Campaign steering committee. He lives in Parkersburg with his wife Stephanie and daughter Braelyn.
American Friends Service Committee
Rick Wilson is the Director of the West Virginia Economic Justice Project for the American Friends Service Committee. He is a regular contributor to the Charleston Gazette-Mail’s editorial page as well as to WVCBP reports and issue briefs. Rick serves on multiple progressive coalitions across West Virginia. He resides in Milton, West Virginia.