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August 8, 2014 by
Editorial: Plan for Future Without Coal

Charleston Gazette - Almost daily, stormy news surrounds West Virginia's coal industry. ReadAlpha Natural Resources notified 1,100 Mountain State miners of possible layoffs coming in mid-October. Earlier, Patriot Coal warned of 850 layoffs, and performed 75 of them so far. If all occur, several southern coal counties will suffer painfully.Thousands of miners and many politicians…

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May 26, 2023 by
Black Infant and Maternal Mortality Needs to be Addressed in West Virginia

Infants and birthing parents are dying at alarming rates in West Virginia. Infant and maternal mortality rates are essential statistics measuring overall societal health. In particular, the disparities in life outcomes between Black and white babies and mothers raise questions about health equity and the ability of our health care system to respond to both…

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January 30, 2013 by
Wealthiest West Virginians Pay a Smaller Share of State and Local Taxes

Contact: Anne Singer, 202-299-1066, ext. 27 or Ted Boettner, 304-720-8682, Read report New 50-State Study Provides Detailed Profiles and Comparisons of Tax Systems and Distribution Like most state tax systems, West Virginia takes a larger share from middle- and low-income families than from wealthy families, according to the fourth edition of "Who Pays? A…

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March 26, 2021 by
Two Personal Income Tax Cuts Now on the Table, Both Disproportionately Benefit the Wealthy and Create Gaping Budget Holes

Two plans to eliminate West Virginia's state income tax are now under consideration, one proposed by Governor Justice and the other by the West Virginia House of Delegates. The two proposals differ significantly, but they both disproportionately benefit the wealthiest West Virginians and create vast holes in the state budget, necessitating massive, painful cuts to critical public services. The…

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February 26, 2021 by
TANF Drug Use Screening Harmful to Low-Income West Virginians

SB 387 is currently being considered by the West Virginia Senate. This bill would make applicants who test positive for drugs or refuse a drug test ineligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) assistance. Our new blog post from health policy analyst Rhonda Rogombé explains how such a policy choice would further stigma, harm vulnerable…

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December 17, 2012 by
Not All Tax Incentives are Tax Credits *Update*

This month's New York Times article on business tax subsidies has attracted plenty of attention in West Virginia, as our state was listed as second in the nation with $857 per resident given out to attract businesses in the state. While state officials defended the state's use of tax incentives, Phil Kabler in Sunday's Gazette-Mail…

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April 5, 2017 by
House Tax Plan Comes Up Short

Today,  the House approved a tax plan (SB 484) that broadens the sales tax base and lowers the rate to balance the House's budget (HB 2018). Altogether, the tax plan is expected to increase tax revenue in its first two years, while lowering tax revenue by year three. This is because of revenue triggers in…

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