Budget Beat

February 10, 2023 by WVCBP
A Recap of the First Half of the Legislative Session

With a relatively short 60-day legislative session, the bills that get considered—and the ones that don’t—tell us a lot about our lawmakers’ priorities. Now that we are exactly halfway through the 2023 session, the WVCBP team lends insight into what we’ve seen prioritized so far and what we would like to see prioritized during the…

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February 3, 2023 by WVCBP
Join Our Team for Summer 2023!

Come work with us! We’re hiring two full-time, paid summer fellows. The WVCBP seeks a Criminal Legal Policy Fellow to research and write about best practices for improving the criminal system, with a focus on the areas of excessive sentences and reducing the harms caused by jails and prisons. The WVCBP also seeks an Economic…

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January 27, 2023 by WVCBP
Join Our Team for Summer 2023!

Come work with us! We're hiring two full-time, paid summer fellows. The WVCBP seeks a Criminal Legal Policy Fellow to research and write about best practices for improving the criminal system, with a focus on the areas of excessive sentences and reducing the harms caused by jails and prisons. The WVCBP also seeks an Economic…

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January 20, 2023 by WVCBP
Proposed “Tax Cut Tsunami” Would Decimate State Budget

During last week's State of the State address, Governor Justice proposed a budget-busting personal income tax cut that he promised would be a "tsunami." Earlier this week, the West Virginia House passed the Governor’s proposal, HB 2526, which will cost a staggering $1.5 billion annually once fully phased in. WVCBP executive director Kelly Allen released…

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January 13, 2023 by WVCBP
Responding to Gov. Justice’s State of the State Address

After four years of flat budgets failing to keep pace with inflation and the needs of West Virginians, Governor Jim Justice announced another year of largely the same during his annual State of the State Address which took place Wednesday evening. Instead of presenting a budget that meets the needs of all West Virginians, Governor…

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January 6, 2023 by WVCBP
Slowing Tax Revenues Should Urge Caution for Those Using Them to Justify Tax Cuts

Governor Justice has once again touted the state’s so-called “surplus” as reason to pursue more tax cuts favoring the wealthy. But make no mistake, the state’s surplus isn’t a sign of uncharacteristically strong revenue growth, or a sign that the state’s needs are all being met. Instead, the surplus has been largely manufactured by artificially low revenue estimates,…

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December 23, 2022 by WVCBP
WVCBP Wrapped: Your Most Read WVCBP Publications in 2022

The WVCBP covered a wide range of topics this year, from tax and budget policy, to health care policy, to criminal legal reform policy, and more. With 2023 just around the corner, we wanted to share the list of our most read publications from 2022. Here's your WVCBP Wrapped: 1. Five Ways to Use West Virginia’s…

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December 16, 2022 by WVCBP
State of Working West Virginia 2022: A Lost Decade and a Path Forward

Prior to the pandemic, West Virginia experienced a lost decade, with essentially no economic growth from 2009 to 2019. This happened despite years of so-called business friendly policies like tax cuts, right to work, repeal of the prevailing wage, and reductions in state spending that were promised to unleash growth and move West Virginia forward.…

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December 2, 2022 by WVCBP
No Laws About Us, Without Us: Voting Restoration for People in the Criminal System

In West Virginia, people convicted of felony offenses are not eligible to vote until after they have completed their sentence or parole supervision. As a result of this policy, one out of every 100 West Virginians is disenfranchised. This second-class citizenship disproportionately impacts Black West Virginians, who are more than three times as likely as the general population to be ineligible…

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November 18, 2022 by WVCBP
“Closest to the Problem”: A Vision for Reentry from the People Who Live It

West Virginia is experiencing an imprisonment crisis, with an incarceration rate higher than that of any country in the world. Thousands of West Virginians are released from prison every year, and these returning citizens face hundreds of collateral consequences — that is, punishments that last even after they have finished their sentence and that get…

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