Budget Beat

November 16, 2012 by WVCBP
Budget Beat – November 16, 2012

Does the U.S. Have a Long-Term Deficit Problem? With the election over and the "fiscal cliff" drawing near, the nation's attention has once again turned to the federal government's budget deficit and the problems we face addressing it. Most agree that some combination of spending cuts and tax increases will be necessary in order to…

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November 9, 2012 by WVCBP
Budget Beat

Welcome to this week's Budget Beat, a recap of blog posts, publications, reports and other information from the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy. New Report Offers Solutions to Child Care Cuts Every day in West Virginia, thousands of low-income families rely on public child care assistance. Today the WVCBP released a report Reducing…

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November 2, 2012 by WVCBP
Budget Beat for November 2, 2012

Welcome to Budget Beat, a recap of this week's blog posts, publications, reports and other information from the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy. Romney/Ryan Budget and What It Would Mean to West Virginia While there has been a lot of debate about how President Obama's environmental policies would hurt West Virginia's coal industry…

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