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July 9, 2020 by
Summer Policy Institute Agenda 2020

All SPI sessions unless otherwise noted will take place over the Zoom video conferencing platform. Prior to the SPI Conference please make a free Zoom account at, and if possible, download the Zoom app for whatever device youโ€™re planning on using to access the meeting. If you are unable to download the app, a…

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March 15, 2012 by
Taxes and Business Location – The Cracker Test

Today'sย newsย that Shell Oil Company has chosen a site in Pennsylvania as the location for their new cracker facility comes after months of competition between PA, WV, and OH over which state would land the cracker, with each state offering a variety of incentives. (A "cracker facility" converts ethane from naturalย gas liquids into more profitable chemicals…

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April 1, 2013 by
Should West Virginia Adopt a Mileage Tax?

As the Gazette reported on Wednesday, the WV Department of Highways is pushing a bill to study the feasibility of replacing or supplementing the motor fuel tax with a vehicle miles traveled (VMT)ย  tax to help address the declining State Road Fund revenue which is partly due to more fuel efficient vehicles. The VMT tax…

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October 10, 2011 by
New Study Shows No “Free Market” in Energy Development

This past Friday we talked about the illusions that some people have about the role of government in the "free market." Another wrinkle in the free market mythology is how the federal government supports what Alexander Hamilton called "infant industries" with direct investments, subsidies and tariffs. This is especially true when it comes to the…

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October 15, 2022 by
Student Loan Forgiveness Applications Open in Beta Test

Daily Athenaeum - The Biden Administration launched a beta version of its student loan relief program late Friday night, allowing borrowers to submit applications before the website is officially launched later this month. Read the full article. Thousands of students at West Virginia University could see some level of loan forgiveness as part of the federal…

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March 7, 2016 by
Advocates Criticize Push to Drug Test Welfare Recipients

Charleston Gazette-Mail - Over objections from social workers, anti-poverty advocates and psychologists, a push to mandate drug testing for welfare recipients is racing toward final passage in the West Virginia Legislature. ReadState lawmakers are backing legislation (SB 6) that would require drug tests for about 4,000 adults who apply for cash assistance through the Temporary…

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