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October 24, 2014 by
Budget Beat – October 24, 2014

Summit on Race Matters in Appalachia Almost Here Time is running out to register for the Summit on Race Matters in Appalachia. Please take a minute to fill out the easy on-line registration form today to hold your reservation! Register now! Thanks to generous funding from foundations and organizations, there is limited scholarship money available.…

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April 19, 2019 by
How Much Would It Cost to End Child Poverty in West Virginia?

West Virginia has the 4th-highest child poverty rate in the country. Children living in poverty face lower educational achievement, maltreatment and other obstacles that affect them for the rest of their lives. Reducing child poverty has a price tag less than recent tax cuts for corporations and would do more to benefit the families of…

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December 5, 2014 by
Budget Beat – December 5, 2014

Shout-Out to Evidence Counts, the WVCBP Blog As a Budget Beat reader, you are familiar with the WVCBP blog, Evidence Counts. We are proud to be one of the top blogs followed by West Virginia Focus as mentioned in its Sept/Oct issue! Our work on broadband access is also cited on page 24. Read the…

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February 14, 2023 by
Two Big Tax Breaks for the Coal Industry Could Cost Nearly $100 Million, Do Little to Increase Production

Two significant tax breaks for the coal industry are currently moving through the West Virginia Legislature, and together they could cost nearly $100 million in state coal severance tax revenue annually. HB 3133 would enable the state’s coal producers and processors to reduce their severance tax responsibilities by 20 percent annually, by allowing them to…

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February 17, 2023 by
What’s a Sustainable Plan for West Virginia’s “Surplus”?

The 2023 state legislative session has seen both chambers heavily focused on turning the state’s revenue “surplus” into personal income tax cuts, despite the clear need for new spending after four years of austerity forced by flat budgets. We’ve covered at length the temporary factors driving the surplus, as well as the fallacy of calling it a surplus at…

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April 6, 2022 by
Tax Policy and the 2022 Legislative Session

When it comes to tax policy during the 2022 West Virginia legislative session, what is most notable is arguably what didn't become law rather than what did, as once again a bill seeking to eliminate the state's personal income tax failed to pass. However, a number of other tax bills did make it through the…

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