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July 15, 2013 by
Governor Tomblin Has ACA Questions

This afternoon, the Governor's Office sent a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) chief, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, regarding the Affordable Care Act in West Virginia.  In the letter dated July 15, Governor Tomblin requests "prompt answers to several questions concerning implementation of the ." (See the letter here) The majority of…

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June 21, 2021 by
346,000 West Virginia Children Eligible to Receive First Monthly Child Tax Credit Payment Next Month

For Immediate Release: June 21, 2021Contact: Kelly Allen or 304-612-4180 Charleston, WV - The White House declared today “Child Tax Credit Awareness Day” to raise knowledge and awareness about the transformative improvements to the Child Tax Credit (CTC) approved as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The CTC provides much-needed relief to families, boosting opportunity and improving…

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September 30, 2010 by
WV State and Local Workers Rank Almost Last in Pay

There's been considerable press over the last couple of years about the costs associated with the retiree health care subsidy (affectionately know as OPEB or Other Post Employment Benefits) offered to state and local employees. I've written about it several times in the past. The basic story is that this subsidy is too generous and…

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October 29, 2019 by
West Virginia Consumers Pay the Price for State’s Failure to Silver Load

The Affordable Care Act has been an undeniable success in West Virginia, both in terms of insuring our residents and boosting our economy. Unfortunately, since 2017, our uninsured rate has increased and enrollment in the ACA marketplace has declined sharply. This is likely due to several factors, including reduced Medicaid participation and confusion over the…

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October 22, 2013 by is Dysfunctional. West Virginia Could Have Done it Better

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation, State Decisions for Creating Health Insurance Marketplaces Almost all of the success in the Obamacare roll out to date has occurred in the dark blue states. Note, West Virginia is not dark blue. On the very same day that the federal government shutdown a few weeks ago, the Obamacare online Marketplace,…

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August 12, 2016 by
How a Tax on Soda Could Help WV’s Fiscal and Physical Health

Lunch and Learn About the Benefits of a Soda Tax This Wednesday, August 17How could a soda tax improve our physical and fiscal health in West Virginia?Numerous studies have linked the excessive consumption of soda to the nation's epidemic of obesity, diabetes and other diseases. A soda tax could reduce consumption and positively impact public…

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August 26, 2016 by
It’s Time for a Tax Cut for Working Families

Families who struggle to pay for expenses put most of their money right back into the economy when they buy necessities. A West Virginia Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) would give these families an additional boost at tax time and generate millions of dollars in local West Virginia communities. This week the Charleston Gazette editorial…

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September 9, 2016 by
West Virginia’s Budget Crisis Affects Us All

It took a special session but lawmakers successfully balanced this year's budget as the clock was running out. A mixture of Rainy Day funds, budget cuts, and an increase in the tobacco tax filled the gap. They did not, however, provide a long-term solution and West Virginia will face a similar situation next year. How…

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September 16, 2016 by
New Data: Thanks to Health Care Reform, More of Us Have Health Insurance

More and more West Virginians have health insurance, thanks to the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion. According the U.S. Census Bureau, 108,000 West Virginians lacked health insurance in 2015, a decrease of 48,000 from 2014. With 94.0 percent of West Virginians now having health insurance, the state's uninsured rate in 2015 was 6.0 percent,…

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