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March 14, 2019 by
FY 2020 Budget Recap

The 2019 Legislative Session ended last week, with the state budget passed a day early. While every year, the budget undergoes some changes from the governor’s proposal to the final product, this year saw relatively few changes. The FY 2020 budget proposed by Governor Justice includes new spending initiatives and pay raises while avoiding spending cuts…

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June 24, 2014 by
Ted Boettner: Government Aided Shale Gas Growth

Charleston Daily Mail - A recent column by Hoppy Kercheval wrongly states that the revolution in shale development was the product of the “free market.” Nothing could be further from the truth. ReadFederal investments and involvement in the development of shale extraction technologies span three decades.In fact, the first successful multi-fracture horizontal drilling play was…

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February 26, 2021 by
TANF Drug Use Screening Harmful to Low-Income West Virginians

SB 387 is currently being considered by the West Virginia Senate. This bill would make applicants who test positive for drugs or refuse a drug test ineligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) assistance. Our new blog post from health policy analyst Rhonda Rogombé explains how such a policy choice would further stigma, harm vulnerable…

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January 17, 2020 by
Who Pays? Rethinking West Virginia’s Tax System

To get a sense of a state's values, one often need look no further than its tax system. What a state spends its tax dollars on and how it acquires those tax dollars typically reveals a lot about the priorities of its people-what they care about and what they stand for. In theory, it's a…

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April 25, 2024 by
Summer Policy Institute Application Deadline Extended

Summer Policy Institute 2024 is almost here! SPI is a convening focused on policy, where participants learn the ins and outs of policy change through a research and data lens, as well as crucial skills rooted in community engagement and grassroots mobilization. Attendees will meet West Virginia leaders from government, non-profit advocacy, and grassroots organizing spaces to…

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April 17, 2024 by
No More Hidden Rules: WV DCR Policies and Procedures

Each year, tens of thousands of people will enter a West Virginia jail or prison. Each day, these facilities make decisions that shape the lives of each person incarcerated. A facility will decide when and how to provide medical care. Whether to approve a wife for visitation. Whether a person will be able to attend…

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January 27, 2023 by
Join Our Team for Summer 2023!

Come work with us! We're hiring two full-time, paid summer fellows. The WVCBP seeks a Criminal Legal Policy Fellow to research and write about best practices for improving the criminal system, with a focus on the areas of excessive sentences and reducing the harms caused by jails and prisons. The WVCBP also seeks an Economic…

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