Income and Work

May 12, 2012 by Ted Boettner
1,500 Coal Mining Jobs Created Since Obama Took Office (Updated)

Over at Coal Tattoo, Ken Ward has a must read piece on why state politicians and the media avoid having a balanced discussion regarding the impact of the coal industry. One of the central reasons why our state is unable to have a rational discussion is the propaganda and inflammatory rhetoric coming from the coal…

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May 11, 2012 by Ted Boettner
1,500 Coal Mining Jobs Created Since Obama Took Office

Over at Coal Tattoo, Ken Ward has a must read piece on why state politicians and the media avoid having a balanced discussion regarding the impact of the coal industry. One of the central reasons why our state is unable to have a rational discussion is the propaganda and inflammatory rhetoric coming from the coal…

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May 8, 2012 by Ted Boettner
Shrinkage in the Labor Force

There has a been a lot of chatter about the shrinkage in the U.S. labor force. Brad Delong takes us to two fed studies and Rorty Bomb provides the analysis. This graph from Ezra Klein shows the long-term and accelerated decline in labor force participation: As the graph points out, the labor force participation rate…

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April 24, 2012 by Ted Boettner
Why Not Drug Test State-Funded Job Training?

Today the Governor officially ordered Workforce WV to begin drug testing those enrolled in job training programs (see below press release). What was not mentioned was that these programs are completely funded by federal dollars and that they mostly go to the "disadvantaged and at-risk youth, adults, and dislocated workers." However, the big question is…

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April 3, 2012 by Ted Boettner
Lack of Housing Bubble Made WV Recession Less Severe

Our friends at the CBPP have released a new report today debunking the "Texas economic miracle" of the Great Recession. The report lists several factors for why Texas has weathered the recession better than most states. Two of these factors, including a lack of a housing bubble and above average employment in natural resource extraction,…

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February 29, 2012 by Sean O'Leary
CBO Says Stimulus is Still Boosting the Economy

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) shows that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) or stimulus bill, has continued to boost the economy throughout 2011, and will continue to do so through 2012 and into 2013. According to the report, the stimulus increased employment in the 4th quarter of 2011 by between 400,000…

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November 21, 2011 by Sean O'Leary
October 2011 Jobs Count

Signs of Life as West Virginia Added 2,200 Jobs in October - West Virginia added 2,200 jobs in October, reversing three months of nearly zero net job growth. Total nonfarm employment in West Virginia now stands at 754,300, its highest level since February 2009. In October, 1,970 workers joined the labor force, keeping the unemployment rate…

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September 1, 2011 by Sean O'Leary, Ted Boettner
State of Working West Virginia 2011

Although West Virginia has weathered the Great Recession better than most states, the state’s jobs deficit and high unemployment rate give West Virginia workers little to celebrate this 2011 Labor Day. With a jobs deficit of over 20,000 and with the number of unemployed workers double what it was three years ago, the labor market…

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April 26, 2011 by Ted Boettner,
West Virginia’s Public Employees are Compensated Less than Private Sector Employees

Governors and legislators across the country are targeting public sector compensation as they try to cut spending and rein in budget deficits. To justify cuts to wages and benefit packages, the argument is that public sector workers have it better than their private sector counterparts. What is the situation in West Virginia? An analysis by…

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March 15, 2011 by WVCBP
State Workforce Training Spending Lowest in History

  The most important asset to a firm is the presence of a well-trained and productive workforce.  One effective way the state achieves this goal is through the Governor's Guaranteed Workforce Training Program, which provides businesses and workers with customized job training.  Customized, state-funded job training funding is a vital piece in providing the resources…

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