Search Results

September 29, 2016 by
The Tax Foundation’s Business Tax Rankings Aren’t Useful

Yesterday, the Tax Foundation released its 2017 State Business Tax Climate Index (SBTCI) that purports to show that West Virginia now has the 18th-best state business tax climate in the country, ranking better than any of our surrounding states. Policymakers and others should exercise caution in drawing any positive conclusions from the report since the…

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January 25, 2016 by
W.Va. Officials Look for Answers on Impact of Tax Cuts on Budget

Beckley Register-Herald - State officials, grappling with a budget deficit for the third year in a row and foreseeing at least two more years of lagging revenues, are looking for answers. Depending on which side of the political aisle is promoting the solution, those answers vary. Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin's 2017 budget has a mixture…

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January 7, 2020 by
Adding Adult Dental Coverage to Medicaid Can Improve Health in West Virginia

Poor oral health is widespread in West Virginia. It significantly affects the employability of our workforce, contributes to higher emergency room utilization, and is often both an indicator of and a contributor to other chronic health conditions. According to a 2014 report, only 40 percent of West Virginians have dental insurance.[1] While Medicaid expansion has…

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October 1, 2013 by
Brandon Merritt: Answers to Questions on Health Care Plan

Charleston Daily Mail - The headlines and misinformation about Obamacare have left many people confused about the law and what they have to do it comply with it. Read To help clear the air, let's review some of the most common questions people have about Obamacare. Do I have to sign up for Obamacare? No.…

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October 29, 2022 by
So Many Questions, So Few Answers Out of Legislature

Beckley Register-Herald - On November 8, voters will have several constitutional amendments on the ballot spanning a wide range of issues. Most of them are controversial, but Amendment 2 is particularly concerning to many groups and organizations. Read the full article. Amendment 2, dubbed the Property Tax Modernization Amendment, gives the Legislature power to eliminate…

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April 24, 2012 by
Why Not Drug Test State-Funded Job Training?

Today the Governor officially ordered Workforce WV to begin drug testing those enrolled in job training programs (see below press release). What was not mentioned was that these programs are completely funded by federal dollars and that they mostly go to the "disadvantaged and at-risk youth, adults, and dislocated workers." However, the big question is…

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February 7, 2017 by
W. Va. Budget Crisis: No Easy Answers

West Virginia Press Association - West Virginia lawmakers and economic researchers discussed the state's revenue crisis and possible plans to balance the budget during the Friday, Feb. 3 2017 AP Legislative Lookahead. Read.

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August 28, 2020 by
A Layman’s View: Looking for Answers

The Martinsburg Journal recently ran a letter to the editor titled "Systemic racism does not exist." A member of our team, Quenton, responded, and his words struck a chord with one of the outlet's staff writers as he grappled with the recent murder of Jacob Blake. He reached out to Quenton to discuss both his…

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