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January 15, 2020 by
Who Pays? Rethinking West Virginia’s Tax System

To get a sense of a state’s values, one often need look no further than its tax system. What a state spends its tax dollars on and how it acquires those tax dollars typically reveals a lot about the priorities of its people—what they care about and what they stand for. In theory, it’s a…

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October 17, 2018 by
Low-Income West Virginians Pay Far More in Taxes as a Percent of Income Than Wealthiest West Virginians

For Immediate Release Media Contacts: Caitlin Cook (304) 543-4879 (Charleston, WV) - The lowest-income West Virginians pay 21 percent more in taxes as a percent of their income compared to the state's wealthiest residents, according to a new study released today by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) and the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy. The study, Who…

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February 26, 2019 by
SB 564: Expanding Medicaid for Pregnant Women Can Save Lives and Money

Comprehensive prenatal care is key to a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Unfortunately, while the Affordable Care Act allowed West Virginia to expand Medicaid to more pregnant women in the state, many expecting mothers still lack comprehensive health care coverage during pregnancy. West Virginia can ensure more moms and babies are healthy—while saving money for families…

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October 17, 2018 by
Who Pays? 2018

The lowest-income West Virginians pay 21 percent more in taxes as a percent of their income compared to the state's wealthiest residents, according to a new study released today by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) and the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy. The study, Who Pays? A Distributional Analysis of the Tax Systems in…

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September 16, 2020 by
Preventing Child Abuse and Supporting Families in West Virginia

On September 16, 2020, at the Prioritizing Prevention in West Virginia 2020 Virtual Summit, our senior policy analyst Sean O’Leary and Jim McKay of Prevent Child Abuse WV presented on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), ACEs' negative impacts, and how we can support West Virginia families in order to reduce the likelihood ACEs. The summit was…

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January 17, 2020 by
Who Pays? Rethinking West Virginia’s Tax System

To get a sense of a state's values, one often need look no further than its tax system. What a state spends its tax dollars on and how it acquires those tax dollars typically reveals a lot about the priorities of its people-what they care about and what they stand for. In theory, it's a…

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October 4, 2018 by
West Virginia’s Cuts to Higher Education Threaten Access and Equity

A decade since the Great Recession, state spending on higher education has yet to recover from years of deep cuts, including in West Virginia, according to a new report released today from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. West Virginia was one of 45 states that spent less per student in the 2018 school year than in 2008.…

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