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May 9, 2019 by
In the Face of Mounting Evidence that Work Requirements Donā€™t Work, States are Looking to Expand Job Assistance Programs for Medicaid RecipientsĀ Instead

After the Trump administration announced last year that it would support state efforts to add ā€œwork requirementsā€ waivers to their Medicaid programs, no less than 15 states have filed for these waivers. In addition to value statements around such things as ā€œfairnessā€, proponents of these work requirements argue (under the administrationā€™s guidance) that work requirements…

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January 12, 2024 by
Minding the Store in West Virginia Requires Making Up for Years of Neglecting Budget Needs

The 2024 West Virginia regular legislative session kicked off this past Wednesday, January 10. WVCBP executive director, Kelly Allen, issued the following statement in response to Governor Justiceā€™s State of the State address: Unfortunately, the rosy picture Governor Justice painted is not the reality for many West Virginians in counties all over the state whoā€™ve seen too…

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May 2, 2014 by
Budget Beat – May 2, 2014

West Virginia One of Just Eight States Still Cutting Funding for Higher Education Now that the recession is in the past, most states are restoring funding to higher education. West Virginia, however, is still reducing funding, second only to Wyoming, spending 21.6% less per student in FY 2014 than in FY2008, a reduction of over…

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November 21, 2014 by
Budget Beat – November 21, 2014

  We Are Thankful for You As we enter the holiday season we would like to pause to express how thankful we are to you, our supporters. Happiest of all holiday seasons to you and your families! Save the Date - Budget Breakfast, January 21, 2015 The WVCBP will hold its second annual Budget Breakfast…

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May 10, 2024 by
SNAP Restrictions Fail to Connect Vulnerable Residents to Work While Straining Charitable Food Providers

In July 2023, West Virginia reimplemented pre-pandemic time limits for some adults receiving food assistance via the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The time limits apply to adults between 18 and 52 (up to 54 in September 2024) without a documented disability and without children under 18 in the household, often referred to as ā€œable-bodied…

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February 23, 2021 by
TANF Drug Use Screening Harmful to Low-Income West Virginians

In 2017, the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) launched a three-year pilot program that screened drug use among recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Otherwise known as WV WORKS, TANF provides cash assistance for low-income families and helps with child care, skills training, and job searching. As the pilot…

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August 27, 2010 by
Another Look at West Virginia Employment

Ted pointed out that West Virginia's employment level is at its lowest point in 14 years. A closer look shows that West Virginia's employment situation has been pretty bad for decades. One measure of how well a state or region provides employment is the employment-to-population ratio or employment rate. This ratio is the number of…

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January 11, 2016 by
Limiting SNAP is Counterproductive, Won’t Boost Employment

As of January 1, the West Virginia Department of Human Resources (DHHR) has added a so-calledĀ work requirement to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Under the policy, adults aged 18 to 50 with no dependent children mustĀ participate in a work or educational activity for a monthly average of 20 hours per week in order to…

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