
December 2, 2022 by Sean O'Leary, Kelly Allen
Temporary Severance Tax Boom Not a Reason to Cut Income Tax, But it Could Transform Coal and Gas Communities

Once again, West Virginia's budget "surplus" is being used to justify a push to reduce or eliminate the state's personal income tax. However, the state's current surplus isn’t a sign that West Virginia’s economy is uncharacteristically strong or that tax revenues are greater than is needed for the state budget; rather, it has been driven…

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November 2, 2022 by Kelly Allen
Voter-Approved Excess Levies at Risk if Amendment 2 Passes

With early voting underway, West Virginians are beginning to weigh in on Amendment 2, the so-called Property Tax Modernization Amendment. If passed, Amendment 2 could undermine funding and services that voters have already chosen to prioritize via the passage of excess levies and bonds in their communities. If the tax exemptions in Amendment 2 are…

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November 1, 2022 by Rhonda Rogombe
It’s Open Enrollment Season. Here’s What West Virginians Need to Know

Open enrollment for 2023 Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace coverage begins today, November 1. The Marketplace has been a critical feature of our health care system since its introduction in 2014. It provides quality health coverage for families who are not eligible for employer-sponsored coverage, Medicare, or Medicaid. The ongoing public health emergency triggered by…

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October 27, 2022 by Sean O'Leary
Four Scary Charts About Amendment 2

It's almost Halloween, that scary time of year of ghosts, goblins, and the promise to eliminate the tax on your car (or hearse). And there is nothing more terror-inducing than ill-advised tax cuts and the loss of local control. So turn out all the lights, hide under a blanket, and get ready to have your…

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September 27, 2022 by Sean O'Leary, Kelly Allen
Five Takeaways from the WV Manufacturers Association’s Flawed Amendment 2 Study

Earlier this month, the West Virginia Manufacturers Association (WVMA) released a report in support of Amendment 2, which would give the state legislature the authority to exempt business machinery, equipment, and inventory from property taxes. While the WVMA claims the report bolsters the case for Amendment 2, it contains several flaws and misleading assumptions that…

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August 18, 2022 by Sara Whitaker
In Harm’s Way: The True Costs of Pretrial Detention in West Virginia

When Anthony[1] was arrested in 2020, he sat at the police station for hours before a man came over the station telephone and told him, “We’re going to set your bond at $25,000 cash.” The man on the phone was a magistrate conducting Anthony’s “first appearance” hearing. At this hearing, a magistrate explains the criminal…

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August 17, 2022 by Kelly Allen
Amendment 2 and Tax Cut Efforts Would Exacerbate State Staffing Crises

The real-life consequences of repeatedly enacting flat state budgets are becoming clear across West Virginia in the form of state agency staffing shortages. Just this month, West Virginia Education Association (WVEA) officials warned of record teacher vacancies in the state’s public schools, and Governor Justice declared a state of emergency in the state’s correctional facilities…

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