
June 8, 2022 by Sean O'Leary
Data Doesn’t Support Eliminating the Business Machinery, Equipment, and Inventory Property Tax

During last month's legislative interim session, the Joint Standing Committee on Finance heard a presentation from John Deskins of the West Virginia University Bureau of Business and Economic Research regarding the elimination of the property tax on business machinery, equipment, and inventory, which will be the topic of a constitutional amendment on the ballot this…

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May 12, 2022 by Sean O'Leary
Proposed Property Tax Amendment Could Jeopardize Local Excess and Bond Levies

People across the state cast ballots this week in West Virginia's Primary Election, choosing the candidates who will run in the General Election this fall. Beyond helping select our next federal, state, and local representatives, West Virginians also voted on renewing or enacting property tax levies. These levies provide critical revenue for local services in…

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May 5, 2022 by Rhonda Rogombe
Tens of Thousands of West Virginians Will See Their Insurance Costs Rise Without Congressional Action

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) included several provisions to help make health care more accessible and affordable for Americans. One provision is the Individual Marketplace, which allows people who are not eligible for health coverage through their employers, Medicaid, or Medicare to purchase health insurance, often with income-based subsidies that make the monthly premiums more…

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April 20, 2022 by Sean O'Leary
West Virginia’s Labor Force Statistics are Back to Normal. So Why are There Still Missing Workers?

As more West Virginians became vaccinated and a strong federal response boosted the economy, the Mountain State, along with the nation, has enjoyed a strong economic recovery from the pandemic. However, while the state's employment rates have recovered, West Virginia has continued to lose population, contributing to its labor force challenges. In recent months, the…

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April 13, 2022 by Sean O'Leary
What is Tax Day For?

With Tax Day approaching and West Virginians across the state filing their taxes, it's a good time to remember what our contributions pay for and why it is important that our tax system is fair, transparent, and provides adequate resources to fund the public services and investments that allow our communities to thrive. At the…

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April 6, 2022 by Sean O'Leary
Tax Policy and the 2022 Legislative Session

When it comes to tax policy during the 2022 West Virginia legislative session, what is most notable is arguably what didn't become law rather than what did, as once again a bill seeking to eliminate the state's personal income tax failed to pass. However, a number of other tax bills did make it through the…

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March 28, 2022 by Sean O'Leary
Fiscal Year 2023 West Virginia Budget Recap

Earlier this month, Governor Justice approved the budget passed by the West Virginia Legislature at the end of the 2022 legislative session. Very little in the budget was changed from the flat budget proposed by the governor at the beginning of the legislative session. While appropriations from the base budget (which includes the General Revenue…

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