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November 9, 2014 by
Is the Mountain State Really Open for Business?

The State Journal - With the Mountain State constantly being ranked last, it might feel like a far stretch to say West Virginia might be doing tax structure the right way. ReadBut according to a new study, West Virginia is ranked 21 among the best business tax climates in the country. In the latest from the…

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February 19, 2015 by
Ted Boettner: Nothing ‘Free Market’ about Right to Work

Charleston Daily Mail - The Legislature is looking to end free bargaining in West Virginia by adopting a so-called “right-to-work” law.The result would be cutting wages and benefits for the state’s working families. West Virginia already has the highest share of low-wage jobs in the country.The principle aim of right-to-work laws is to diminish the…

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August 15, 2013 by
Where You Live Might Determine Your Health

Want to be healthier and live longer?  Then you might want to move to Aspen, Colorado, home of the healthiest county in the U.S.  You'll also want to avoid our own McDowell County, one of the least healthy counties in the country. Every year, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Population Health Institute at…

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November 4, 2022 by
Voter-Approved Excess Levies at Risk if Amendment 2 Passes

Early voting is underway in West Virginia, and if passed, Amendment 2 could undermine funding and services that voters have already chosen to prioritize via the passage of excess levies and bonds in their communities. If the tax exemptions in Amendment 2 are enacted, local governments statewide could see an estimated $205 million in revenue from excess…

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February 3, 2023 by
Join Our Team for Summer 2023!

Come work with us! We’re hiring two full-time, paid summer fellows. The WVCBP seeks a Criminal Legal Policy Fellow to research and write about best practices for improving the criminal system, with a focus on the areas of excessive sentences and reducing the harms caused by jails and prisons. The WVCBP also seeks an Economic…

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October 7, 2011 by
Free Market Fantasy Friday

The State Journal published a piece by former WV Delegate Pat McGeehan where he says that the only way to create jobs in the Mountain State is "f Government Gets out of the Way." He lists the usual conservative/libertarian ideas of less regulation, protect private property, abolish the income tax, and decentralize government.  As my…

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December 18, 2012 by
West Virginia Families Benefit From Free Bargaining

Michigan has become the 24th state to pass "right-to-work" legislation. Essentially that means collective bargaining agreements cannot require nonunion employees to pay union dues. However, nonunion employees may still often benefit from wage agreements, a grievance process, and other benefits negotiated by the union. West Virginia does not have a "right-to-work" law, but some think…

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January 30, 2013 by
Wealthiest West Virginians Pay a Smaller Share of State and Local Taxes

Contact: Anne Singer, 202-299-1066, ext. 27 or Ted Boettner, 304-720-8682, Read report New 50-State Study Provides Detailed Profiles and Comparisons of Tax Systems and Distribution Like most state tax systems, West Virginia takes a larger share from middle- and low-income families than from wealthy families, according to the fourth edition of "Who Pays? A…

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