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September 19, 2024 by
Income Tax Cuts Driving Historic Revenue Decline

Governor Justice recently announced a special session to be held at the end of September to override tax cut triggers enacted as part of the 2023 tax law and slash taxes by an additional $114 million. As we highlighted recently, the proposal ignores realities and defies fiscal responsibility. While policymakers are still learning the full impact…

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January 21, 2016 by
Raise Up: WV Analysts Say Latest Minimum Wage Increase Too New to Gauge

The State Journal - Jason Barrett proved himself as a small businessman, running pizzerias long before his two-year stint as an elected official. ReadThat experience gave him a perspective other delegates heavily leaned on as they crafted a bill that became law during the 2014 legislative session, increasing wages for thousands of West Virginians.Barrett was…

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April 9, 2021 by
Latest Senate Income Tax Elimination Bill Still Cuts Taxes for the Wealthy While Raising Taxes for Everyone Else and Slashing the Budget, House has Not Yet Concurred

Wednesday night, the full WV Senate took up HB 3300, the House-originated personal income tax cut plan, and made a significant amendment before quickly passing the bill. Senators voted on the legislation without having had adequate time to fully discuss and comprehend its far-reaching implications -- a reckless action given that the bill would impact every…

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June 18, 2021 by
With Latest Infusion of Federal COVID Aid, Lots of Possibilities and Pressure for West Virginia Communities

Mountain State Spotlight, Beckley Register-Herald - Shepherdstown Mayor Jim Auxer is proud to point out that, even throughout the pandemic’s worst months and the challenges they presented, his town managed to maintain its services and keep on all its government workers. Read the full article. Auxer estimates Shepherdstown lost a couple hundred thousand dollars in…

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August 14, 2013 by
West Virginia Should Extend CHIP Coverage to Public Employees

The passage of the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) included a little-heralded provision to permit states to expand coverage of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to children of public employees. So far, at least seven states have benefited from allowing public employees to enroll their children in CHIP. If West Virginia were to adopt…

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September 25, 2020 by
West Virginia’s Job Recovery Remained Slow in August

West Virginia saw another month of relatively slow job growth as the state and the nation continue to struggle with COVID-19's economic impact. According to Workforce WV, total nonfarm employment increased by 5,500 jobs in August, including 2,200 private sector jobs. While the economy is still adding jobs, the pace of the recovery has slowed significantly in the…

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February 17, 2022 by
Summer Policy Institute 2022

SPI 2022 THEME: Growing a West Virginia that Works for Everyone July 28–30, 2022 The 2020 Census results revealed that West Virginia experienced more population loss than any other state in the nation between 2010 and 2020. During this year’s SPI, we will create space for our participants to explore what it might take to…

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January 17, 2016 by
Ted Boettner: Free Market Folly in West Virginia

Charleston Gazette-Mail - All too often, public policy debates get couched between those who favor government intervention in the market and those who do not. When it comes to economic issues, the framing is usually that conservatives favor less government or the “free market” while progressives want government solutions and non-market outcomes. This framing is…

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