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November 9, 2012 by
Reducing Child Care Assistance – The Impact on West Virginia’s Low-Income Working Families

Every day in West Virginia, thousands of low-income families rely on public child care assistance. In 2011, the West Virginia Child Care Program – which is funded primarily through the federal Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and state matching funds – provided financial assistance to more than 24,000 children whose parents…

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February 15, 2023 by
Summer Policy Institute 2024

People-Powered Policy July 26-28, 2024 at Marshall University Summer Policy Institute 2024 is almost here! SPI is a convening focused on policy, where participants will learn the ins and outs of policy change through a research and data lens, as well as crucial skills rooted in community engagement and grassroots mobilization. Policy sessions will equip…

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March 21, 2014 by
The Legislature Gave, and the Governor Hath Taken Away

Governor Tomblin exercised his line item veto power today, trimming over $64 million from the budget sent to him by the legislature earlier this week. While the legislature had restored many of the cuts to children and family support programs that were in the FY 2015 budget proposal, the governor vetoed that funding, keeping the…

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December 12, 2012 by
West Virginia Must Strengthen Its Safety Net

Our state safety net is a crucial lifeline for families and children in poverty, whether it is providing child care assistance to help a single mom get to work, providing affordable and quality health care to a child or disabled person, or ensuring that kids can get breakfast at school. Unfortunately, West Virginia has one…

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February 24, 2023 by
Kansas Tax Disaster Architects Shouldn’t Inform WV Tax Policy

Last week, Governor Justice held a round table promoting fiscally irresponsible tax reform policy. Notable speakers included Stephen Moore and Grover Norquist, staunch supporters of Kansas' failed tax experiment of 2012. WVCBP executive director, Kelly Allen, recently published an op-ed outlining why it defies both evidence and common sense to follow supply-side pundits down a path of…

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February 19, 2014 by
Income Inequality Between Top 1% and Rest of Working West Virginians Among Nation’s Highest

Contact: Ted Boettner, 304-720-8682, While the West Virginia legislature considers whether or not to increase the state's minimum wage, a new report shows that the state's top 1% of income earners captured over half of all the state's income growth between 1979 and 2007. According to "The Increasingly Unequal States of America: Income Inequality…

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