Search Results

November 13, 2015 by
Joining the National Conversation on Black Lives Matter

Supporting a Movement This week WVCBP staff met up with sister organizations from across the country at the annual State Fiscal Impact Conference in Baltimore. The opening event of the conference was "Support a Movement: Black Lives Matter and State Fiscal Policy." The session focused on the role of public policy in creating and sustaining…

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May 25, 2010 by
Don’t Hit the OPEB Panic Button

Would you consider it a "crisis" if an accountant told you how much money you owe on your house? Apparently, that's the rationale Phil Kabler used yesterday when he told people that our state's $8 billion OPEB  (Other Post Employment Benefits = the state's retiree health care subsidy for state and public school employees) liability is "the…

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October 27, 2023 by
Welcome to the Team, Krysta!

The WVCBP is excited to welcome Krysta Rexrode Wolfe to the team as our new operations and event coordinator! Before joining the WVCBP staff, Krysta served the state by leading faith communities in Morgantown and Charleston. Krysta brings a decade of administrative experience and a passion for advocacy to her work. She holds a B.A.…

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August 31, 2023 by
The Costs of Police Overtime in Charleston

In March 2023, the Charleston City Council approved a $111.6 million budget for the 2024 fiscal year.[1] Once again, the city dedicated one-fifth of its budget ($23.0 million) to uniformed Charleston Police officers for wages, benefits, pensions, insurance, and equipment.[2] Of the $12.3 million budgeted for wages, $2.6 million was allocated for overtime pay.[3] Read…

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November 19, 2013 by
Expanding Health Coverage Will Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

The Affordable Care Act is expected to have a dramatic impact on access to health insurance in West Virginia. This will be especially true for racial and ethnic minorities. Even though the minority population in West Virginia is relatively small compared to other states, it is 50 percent more likely to lack health insurance than…

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February 24, 2023 by
Kansas Tax Disaster Architects Shouldn’t Inform WV Tax Policy

Last week, Governor Justice held a round table promoting fiscally irresponsible tax reform policy. Notable speakers included Stephen Moore and Grover Norquist, staunch supporters of Kansas' failed tax experiment of 2012. WVCBP executive director, Kelly Allen, recently published an op-ed outlining why it defies both evidence and common sense to follow supply-side pundits down a path of…

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February 19, 2020 by
Senate Tax Plan a Bad Deal for West Virginia

Senate Republicans unveiled their latest proposal to eliminate the business personal property tax this week, passing the proposal out of the Senate Finance Committee. The plan, which builds upon an earlier proposal to eliminate the property tax on manufacturing equipment, machinery, and inventory, would blow a nearly $100 million hole in the state budget, introduce…

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