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January 24, 2020 by
Positive Health Care Reforms On the Move at the Capitol

The second full week of the West Virginia Legislature saw several developments, some good, others not so much. The week started off with the Senate Judiciary Committee passing yet another Article V Constitutional Convention Resolution, SCR 4. Under the guise of instituting "Term Limits" on members of Congress, well-funded special interests seek to undermine our…

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January 24, 2020 by
Positive Health Care Reforms On the Move at the Capitol

The second full week of the West Virginia Legislature saw several developments, some good, others not so much. The week started off with the Senate Judiciary Committee passing yet another Article V Constitutional Convention Resolution, SCR 4. Under the guise of instituting "Term Limits" on members of Congress, well-funded special interests seek to undermine our…

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April 14, 2023 by
West Virginia’s Reliance on Volatile Severance Taxes is Fiscally Reckless

During the 2023 legislative session, lawmakers passed major tax cuts that will result in significantly reduced revenue to fund public programs and services. Legislators pointed to the state's current budget surplus to attempt to justify these tax cuts; however, that surplus is largely the result of unusually high severance tax collections. The severance tax is highly unstable,…

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July 15, 2016 by
Legalized Marijuana and the WV Budget

At this week's Lunch and Learn, Tara Holmes, our Summer Research Associate, presented the potential benefits to West Virginia if marijuana were to be legalized for medicinal and recreational use in the state. Her research shows that legalizing marijuana for recreational use would bring in between $26 and $45 million a year in tax revenue…

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June 22, 2021 by
Rutherford County Reported the 12th Largest Population Growth in the U.S.

WGSN Radio - For the first time ever, California posted a population decline in 2020, and the United States as a whole didn’t fare much better. Its growth has decelerated to 0.35% year-over-year, the slowest growth rate since the Great Depression. Read the full article. Population experts blame the slowing growth rate on three big…

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July 25, 2016 by
Two Great Events This Week in Buckhannon and Martinsburg!

Join Us for the First Evening of the 2016 Summer Policy InstituteThe Inaugural 2016 Summer Policy Institute (SPI) will be held July 29-31, 2016 at West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buckhannon.Students from across West Virginia will be a part of this first-ever event.The first evening of 2016 Summer Policy Institute is free and open to…

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April 15, 2022 by
What is Tax Day For?

With Tax Day just around the corner and West Virginians across the state filing their taxes, it’s a great time to remember what our contributions pay for and why it is important that we create a tax system that is equitable, transparent, and provides adequate resources to fund the public services and investments that allow our communities to thrive.…

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July 26, 2021 by
US Suffers Population Decline, So Does California & Illinois

Big Sky Business Journal - For the first time ever, California posted a population decline in 2020, and the United States as a whole didn’t fare much better. Its growth has decelerated to 0.35% year-over-year, the slowest growth rate since the Great Depression. Read the full article. Population experts blame the slowing growth rate on three…

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June 9, 2023 by
Erosion of State Funding for Higher Education Explains Most of WVU’s Budget Crisis

West Virginia University is currently facing a $45 million budget shortfall for the upcoming fiscal year, expected to balloon to $75 million annually by 2028. During this year’s State of the University address, WVU President Gordon Gee pointed to several factors driving the shortfall including declining college-aged population, lower college-going rates, and rising financial costs. But one major factor was glaringly…

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November 19, 2013 by
Evidence Counts…But Apparently Not In Newspaper Editorials

The lead editorial that ran in the Charleston Daily Mail on Monday was...well, a bunch of malarkey. Or maybe it was hogwash. Either way, it was an inaccurate and misleading piece of partisan hackery (yes, I made that word up*) that was better suited for late-night talk radio and had no business being run in…

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