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November 9, 2012 by
Reducing Child Care Assistance – The Impact on West Virginia’s Low-Income Working Families

Every day in West Virginia, thousands of low-income families rely on public child care assistance. InĀ 2011, the West Virginia Child Care Program ā€“ which is funded primarily through the federal ChildĀ Care and Development Fund (CCDF), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and stateĀ matching funds ā€“ provided financial assistance to more than 24,000 children whose parents…

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April 1, 2013 by
Should West Virginia Adopt a Mileage Tax?

As the Gazette reported on Wednesday, the WV Department of Highways is pushing a bill to study the feasibility of replacing or supplementing the motor fuel tax with a vehicle miles traveled (VMT)Ā  tax to help address the declining State Road Fund revenue which is partly due to more fuel efficient vehicles. The VMT tax…

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March 7, 2024 by
Efforts to Cut Unemployment Based on False Premise

Earlier this week the House Finance committee passed SB 841, hastily drafted legislation that would make major changes to the stateā€™s unemployment insurance system to the detriment of the stateā€™s workers. These changes include cutting the number of weeks of unemployment benefits available to the stateā€™s unemployed workers, reducing overall benefits for many workers, and increasing…

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February 8, 2024 by
West Virginiaā€™s Revenue Gap Grows to $378 Million as Tax Changes and Their Impacts Continue to Phase In

After five years of flat budgets, lawmakers returned to Charleston for the 2024 legislative session with many important spending priorities to address major needs. Members of the Republican majority have said they want to provide pay raises for public employees and raise starting salaries in sectors with vacancies, increase provider reimbursement rates, and address child care affordability and provider sustainability. Meanwhile,…

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January 22, 2024 by
WVCBP Becomes West Virginia State Partner inĀ KIDS COUNTĀ®Ā Network

For Immediate Release: January 19, 2024 Contact:Ā Kelly Allen, (304)-612-4180 Charleston, WV ā€“ The West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy (WVCBP), an independent research and advocacy organization working to advance public policies that increase opportunity and eliminate inequities for children and families, announces that it will be serving as the KIDS COUNTĀ® partner for the state of West…

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February 25, 2021 by
ReImagine Appalachia Climate Infrastructure Plan Would Create over 41,000 WV Jobs

For Immediate Release: February 25, 2021Contact:Ā Dana Kuhnline,Ā (304) 825 3262 Links to report and summaries: New PERI report (Link)ReImagine Appalachia summary of new PERI report (Link)Infographic summary of report findings Link to Zoom event recording:  Facebook Live Charleston, WV -Ā The Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) released a report today showing that theĀ ReImagine Appalachia (RA) blueprintĀ could create…

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March 5, 2021 by
Gov. Justice’s Proposal to Reduce PIT Shifts Taxes to Low- and Middle-Income Families, While Still Necessitating Cuts to Public Services

Yesterday, Governor Jim JusticeĀ unveiledĀ his long-awaited proposal to reduce the state personal income tax. As currently structured, it would raise West Virginiaā€™s sales tax to 7.9 percent, making it the highest state sales tax in the country, and effectively making our combined state and local sales tax rate 8.4 percent,Ā higherĀ than that of any of our surrounding…

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December 1, 2023 by
Financial Crisis Looming in WV Due to Justice Administration’s Flat Budgets

WVCBP executive director Kelly Allen recently met with the Dominion Post Editorial Board to explain how the Justice administration has set the state up for budgetary crisis in the coming years. You can read an excerpt from the Dominion Post's editorial below: Unlike many other states, the governor of West Virginia has the constitutional power to set…

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