Budget Beat

November 4, 2022 by WVCBP
Voter-Approved Excess Levies at Risk if Amendment 2 Passes

Early voting is underway in West Virginia, and if passed, Amendment 2 could undermine funding and services that voters have already chosen to prioritize via the passage of excess levies and bonds in their communities. If the tax exemptions in Amendment 2 are enacted, local governments statewide could see an estimated $205 million in revenue from excess…

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October 28, 2022 by WVCBP
Four Scary Charts About Amendment 2

It’s almost Halloween, and there is nothing more terror-inducing than ill-advised tax cuts and the loss of local control. So turn out all the lights, hide under a blanket, and get ready to have your bones rattle as you read these four ghoulish charts about Amendment 2. If passed, Amendment 2 would amend the constitution to give…

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October 21, 2022 by WVCBP
State Higher Education Investments Down 25 Percent Over Last Decade, Could Worsen with Amendment 2

When economic times get tough and state revenues decline in West Virginia, higher education funding is often the first thing to be cut in the state budget. This is counterintuitive for a state looking to grow and diversify its economy. Investments in higher education lower tuition costs for students, reduce student debt origination, lead to more collegiate and post-collegiate…

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October 14, 2022 by WVCBP
Take Action to Defeat Amendments 2 and 4

Amendment 2, or the Property Tax Modernization Amendment, will be on the ballot this November for West Virginia voters to consider. If passed, it would amend the constitution to give the state legislature the authority to exempt business machinery and equipment, business inventory, and personal vehicles from property taxation. As such, passage of the amendment…

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October 7, 2022 by WVCBP
County Commissions, Boards of Education, and Public Officials Across WV Increasingly Opposing Amendment 2

Amendment 2, or the Property Tax Modernization Amendment, will be on the ballot this November for West Virginia voters to consider. If passed, it would amend the constitution to give the state legislature the authority to exempt business machinery and equipment, business inventory, and personal vehicles from property taxation. As such, passage of the amendment…

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September 30, 2022 by WVCBP
Five Takeaways from the WV Manufacturers Association’s Flawed Amendment 2 Study

Earlier this month, the West Virginia Manufacturers Association (WVMA) released a report in support of Amendment 2, which would give the state legislature the authority to exempt business machinery, equipment, and inventory from property taxes. While the WVMA claims the report bolsters the case for Amendment 2, it contains several flaws and misleading assumptions that call into…

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September 23, 2022 by WVCBP
Gov. Justice, County and Municipal Officials Publicly Oppose Amendment 2

Amendment 2, or the Property Tax Modernization Amendment, will be on the ballot this November for West Virginia voters to consider. If passed, it would amend the constitution to give the state legislature the authority to exempt business machinery and equipment, business inventory, and personal vehicles from property taxation. As such, passage of the amendment…

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September 9, 2022 by WVCBP
West Virginia Association of Counties and the County Commissioners Association of West Virginia Publicly Oppose Amendment 2

Amendment 2, or the Property Tax Modernization Amendment, will be on the ballot this November for West Virginia voters to consider. If passed, it would amend the constitution to give the state legislature the authority to exempt business machinery and equipment, business inventory, and personal vehicles from property taxation. As such, passage of the amendment…

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September 2, 2022 by WVCBP
Amendment 2 An Effort to Stiff Working People

We observe Labor Day to celebrate the economic and societal achievements of American workers. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, “American labor has raised the nation’s standard of living and contributed to the greatest production the world has ever known, and the labor movement has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional…

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August 26, 2022 by WVCBP
Counsel at First Appearance Can Protect Liberty and Reduce Jail Costs

Despite West Virginia’s crime rate and total population declining in recent decades, the state jail population has increased over that period, and at the end of Fiscal Year 2022, state jails were nearly 1,000 people above capacity. One contributing factor driving this counterintuitive trend is West Virginia’s overreliance on pretrial detention –nearly half of people…

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