
February 27, 2020 by Sean O'Leary
State Senate Begins Budget Work

With crossover day behind us and most major pieces of legislation in place, the Senate began work on the FY 2021 budget this week, presenting their version of the budget bill in the Senate Finance Committee. The Senate has made a number of changes to the Governor's proposed budget, both on the revenue and spending…

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February 25, 2020 by Ted Boettner
SB 528 Would Strip Workers of Rights and Protections through Misclassification

On Monday, the WV Senate narrowly passed Senate Bill 528, which would make it easier for corporations in West Virginia to classify workers as independent contractors rather than employees. This bill, based on model legislation prepared by ALEC, is similar, but far more expansive, than a house bill that passed out of House Industry and Labor…

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February 21, 2020 by Ted Boettner
Tax Cuts for Coal and Natural Gas Industries Are on the Move

On top of Senate Bill 655 that would reduce local property tax revenues from natural gas extraction, there are also several bills moving in the House that would give sizable tax reductions to natural gas and coal corporations. House BIll 4439 would expand a 35% tax credit on the coal severance tax that was passed…

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February 20, 2020 by Sean O'Leary
Natural Gas Property Tax Bill Could Have Major Impact on Local Governments

A bill recently passed by the Senate would change how natural gas property is valued for property tax purposes, and could have a major impact on local governments throughout the state. At issue is how the State Tax Department calculates production expenses on natural gas wells. When valuing oil and natural gas wells for property…

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February 19, 2020 by Sean O'Leary
Senate Tax Plan a Bad Deal for West Virginia

Senate Republicans unveiled their latest proposal to eliminate the business personal property tax this week, passing the proposal out of the Senate Finance Committee. The plan, which builds upon an earlier proposal to eliminate the property tax on manufacturing equipment, machinery, and inventory, would blow a nearly $100 million hole in the state budget, introduce…

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February 18, 2020 by Kelly Allen
More Evidence that Medicaid Work Reporting Requirements are Illegal and Ineffective

Earlier this month, a federal appeals court affirmed the decision of a US District Judge striking down the legality of Medicaid work reporting requirements in Arkansas. This is an important new development on top of federal district courts halting these programs in Kentucky and New Hampshire. While the court decision only applies to the injunction…

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February 12, 2020 by Kelly Allen
Momentum for Paid Leave is Growing in West Virginia: A Breakdown of State-Level Proposals

Too often, West Virginians are forced to choose between financial/job security and taking care of themselves, a new child, or a seriously ill family member. Recognizing these problems, legislators have introduced three strong bills this session to provide paid family and medical leave (PFML). PFML policies help families achieve financial security, strengthen businesses and the public-sector,…

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February 6, 2020 by Seth DiStefano
2020 Legislative Session Hits Half-Way Mark

We are just over halfway through West Virginia’s 60-day legislative session, and there is plenty to talk about. Let’s dive right in. Tax and Budget 2020 has seen the perennial return to eliminate the Business Personal Property Tax on manufacturing, inventory, equipment and machinery. This is a critical source of revenue for our counties’ public…

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January 28, 2020 by Sean O'Leary
Manufacturing Property Tax Cut Takes Shape

While we knew that eliminating the business personal property tax was at the top of the legislative agenda, it was unclear how the tax cut would take shape. Now with the introduction of Senate Joint Resolution 8, the Manufacturing Growth Amendment, we can better understand its potential impact. As previous blog posts have shown, the…

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