The State Journal -Data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows more West Virginians have been given access to affordable health care, officials said. Read
The data released Sept. 16 from the Census Bureau’s 2013 American Community Survey says in 2013, 14 percent of West Virginians were uninsured – a slight drop from the previous year.
The report shows the number of uninsured people in the state dropped from 264,000 in 2012 to 255,000 last year – about 3.5 percent. Virginia’s dropped from 1 million in 2012 to 991,000 last year — about 1 percent.
According to the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy, even greater gains in access to health care are anticipated in next year’s data. They say the data will reflect the tens of thousands who have gained coverage through Medicaid expansion and the state’s health insurance marketplace.