Blog Posts > Legislation Enabling WV to Pay Its Bills Passes State Senate
January 28, 2016

Legislation Enabling WV to Pay Its Bills Passes State Senate

Charleston Gazette-Mail – The West Virginia Senate waived its normal constitutional rules Wednesday to pass four pieces of legislation which must be enacted by the end of the month for the state to keep paying its bills on time. Read

The four bills (SB 342, 357, 360 and 364) shuffle money among various government accounts so that the state, in the midst of huge revenue shortfalls, can continue to meet its obligations.

“The passage of these four supplemental bills by the end of the month is critical for cash flow purposes and for the balancing of the 2016 budget,” said Lalena Price, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Revenue.

The bills are known as supplemental appropriations bills, as they are supplements to the budget bill passed last year by the Legislature.

Normally, once a bill is passed out of a committee and to the floor of the Senate, it must be read on three separate days before it can be voted on. Because of the urgency surrounding the legislation, the Senate voted unanimously to waive that requirement and pass all four bills on Wednesday, the first day they were considered by the full Senate.

All four bills also passed unanimously.

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