The State Journal – With the House chamber full, West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin delivered the State of the State address to an expectant crowd that consisted of the Senate President, Speaker of the House, members of the Legislature, Board of Public Works members, Justices of the Supreme Court of Appeals, State Board of Education members, distinguished guests and other West Virginians. Read
During Tomblin’s address, audience members greeted many of his comments with applause.
Those in attendance applauded the introduction of Robert Moorehead and Michael Powell, both West Virginia University engineering graduates who were hired by the Italian company Peitro Florentini to help run its West Virginia operations.
“These two young men are living examples of why we made our trip … and why we make job opportunities our highest priority,” Tomblin said.
Other comments that elicited responses were those calling for fiscal responsibility and keeping resources in the Mountain State rather than “being piped elsewhere,” as well as job growth and plans to dissolve many boards, commissions and councils that are creating “ambiguity and clutter” this session.