Tax and Budget

December 18, 2017 by Sean O'Leary
Final Trump-GOP Tax Plan Contains Major Tax Cuts for the Wealthy, Leaves Many in WV Out

The final tax bill that Republicans in Congress are poised to approve would provide most of its benefits to high-income households while raising taxes on many low- and middle-income West Virginians. While the bill goes into effect in 2018, many of the provisions directly affecting low- and middle-income individuals and families would all expire after…

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November 6, 2017 by Sean O'Leary
Richest West Virginians Benefit Most from The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The House of Representatives has formally introduced its tax reform bill, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The bill, like the tax reform framework it is based on, heavily favors the wealthy. The bill includes some provisions that raise taxes and some that cut taxes, so the net effect for any particular family's federal tax bill depends…

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November 5, 2017 by Sean O'Leary
GOP-Trump Tax Framework Is a Big Tax Cut for the Wealthy, Leaving Little for Everyone Else

The tax framework released last week by President Trump and Republican congressional leaders would result in huge tax cuts for the wealthiest households, while offering little to middle- and lower-income families. In West Virginia, the richest one percent of residents would receive 39.1 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018, according to…

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November 3, 2017 by Sean O'Leary
What is West Virginia’s Economic Outlook?

The Bureau of Business and Economic Research at West Virginia University released their annual Economic Outlook Report for the state earlier this month. According to the report’s forecast, West Virginia is expected to experience modest job growth, with employment forecasted to grow at an average rate of 0.7 percent per year for the next five years.  That’s…

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October 13, 2017 by Sean O'Leary
What is West Virginia’s Economic Outlook?

The Bureau of Business and Economic Research at West Virginia University released their annual Economic Outlook Report for the state earlier this month. According to the report's forecast, West Virginia is expected to experience modest job growth, with employment forecasted to grow at an average rate of 0.7 percent per year for the next five…

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July 21, 2017 by Ted Boettner
West Virginia Budget & Tax 101 (Summer Policy Institute)

On Friday, July 21, Executive Director Ted Boettner presented at the WVCBP’s 2017 Summer Policy Institute. The presentation covers what West Virginia's state budget pays for, where revenue comes from, how tax and spending decisions impact families and our economy, and the state's ongoing budget crisis. Here is his presentation.

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July 5, 2017 by Ted Boettner
Yes, State Government and Taxes Are Shrinking

When lawmakers passed a "bare-bones" state budget, some lawmakers  expressed that the state government needs to "live within its means" because of our "shrinking population and tax base." Other lawmakers have suggested that our state budget is too big and that we will need to "continue making cuts to programs and services" and that we should…

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June 23, 2017 by Ted Boettner
A Short History of the 2017 Budget Crisis in West Virginia (So Far)

This week, Governor Justice said he would let the state budget become law instead of signing it because the budget contained so many cuts ( a "travesty") and that his proposed tax plans failed to become law. Governor Justice mostly blamed Democrats and Republicans in the House of Delegates, along with the Senate Democrats, for…

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June 8, 2017 by WVCBP
Guest Blog: Kansas’ Experiment Yields Valuable Lessons

Heidi Holliday, Executive Director of the Kansas Center for Economic Growth   You're welcome, America. Our state, Kansas, just wrapped up a 5-year long experiment in governance from which the other 49 states can now glean some important lessons. The Kansas Legislature has voted to roll back much of the 2012 package of tax cuts…

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