
June 22, 2021 by Quenton King
Quenton King: Expungement would help WV job market

Charleston Gazette-Mail - This past weekend marked the end of West Virginia’s participation in federally enhanced unemployment programs, enacted to address joblessness in the wake of the pandemic, and, now, thousands of struggling West Virginians are losing crucial supports regardless of whether good-paying jobs are available to them. Read the full article. This short-sighted decision…

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June 3, 2021 by Sean O'Leary
Sean O’Leary: Justice’s Decision on Benefits Hurts WV Workers (Opinion)

Charleston Gazette-Mail - Over the past year, the pandemic and our nation’s response have highlighted some of the flaws in our antiquated federal-state unemployment insurance system. Read the full op-ed. The CARES Act addressed some of these well-recognized problems, particularly through the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program, which provides unemployment benefits to people who do…

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May 28, 2021 by Kelly Allen
Kelly Allen: WV Delegation Should Support Tax on Wealthy (Opinion)

Charleston Gazette-Mail - West Virginia’s bridges, dams, drinking water, roads and wastewater have received a D grade from the American Society of Civil Engineers, and 24% of the state’s residents live in a broadband desert. Furthermore, 54% live in a child care desert and 19% of children in the state live in poverty. Read the…

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April 28, 2021 by Kelly Allen
Kelly Allen: Long-term Solutions Needed After Pandemic Recedes (Opinion)

Charleston Gazette-Mail - The pandemic has shone a bright light on longstanding needs of families in West Virginia and across the country — needs that, when unaddressed, make families less financially secure, slow our economy and widen the gap between the richest in our country and everyone else. Read the full op-ed. The COVID-19 relief…

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March 30, 2021 by Renee Alves
Kelly Allen, Jim McKay: A Recovery that Works for All (Opinion)

Charleston Gazette-Mail - The past year has been a difficult one for our state’s families, businesses and communities. West Virginians are resilient and hard-working, but we still need to work together to emerge from the pandemic. Read the full op-ed. That’s where government can be most helpful: meeting and solving big challenges together that no…

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February 6, 2021 by Kelly Allen
W.Va. Puts More Women Behind Bars Even as Population Drops

Martinsburg Journal - Over the last 40 years female incarceration in West Virginia has exploded, growing by a staggering 2,731 percent from 1978 to 2019. Over the same period, the state’s population has declined by nearly seven percent. What could explain such exponential growth in female incarceration as our overall population has declined? Read the…

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December 11, 2020 by Kelly Allen
Kelly Allen: Tax Plan Would Hurt Those Still Reeling from Pandemic (Opinion)

Charleston Gazette-Mail - Since the pandemic began, America’s billionaires have grown their wealth by a staggering $1 trillion. At the same time, families in West Virginia and across the country are facing increasing hardship and difficulty meeting their basic needs as the health and economic effects of COVID-19 drag on. Read the full article. In…

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November 9, 2020 by Kelly Allen
Fate of Quality Health Care Rests on Outcome of Lawsuit

Beckley Register-Herald - Today, the Supreme Court of the United States will take up a case that could upend our health care system. California v. Texas, a lawsuit brought by 18 state Attorneys General including West Virginia’s Patrick Morrisey, seeks to overturn the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA). Read the full article. If all or…

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September 15, 2020 by Kelly Allen
Kelly Allen: US Senate Must Pass COVID-19 Relief Now

Charleston Gazette-Mail - West Virginians help one another. Without thinking twice, we take meals to parents who’ve had a new baby, form ad hoc neighborhood child care arrangements when schools close because of the coronavirus pandemic and pick up groceries for our at-risk elderly neighbors. Link to op-ed here. Our people know that working together…

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August 13, 2020 by Kelly Allen
Kelly Allen: Trump’s Orders Don’t Mean Congress is off Hook

Charleston Gazette-Mail - President Trump’s recent executive actions are far too meager, ineffective and legally dubious to address the crisis that families in West Virginia and across the nation are facing. Link to op-ed here. Only Congress can enact a federal relief response plan that is robust enough to address the immediate and ongoing needs…

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