
December 8, 2015 by Ted Boettner
Ted Boettner: Market and Ideology Hurt Older Coal Mines

Wall Street Journal - Paul Tice’s “Obama’s Appalachian Tragedy” (Dec. 1) wrongly puts most of the blame for West Virginia’s struggling coal industry and economy on recent clean-air regulations. In reality, the increasing cost of mining harder-to-access coal seams is the primary reason for the decline. ReadCoal-mining productivity has dropped by over 50% in the…

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December 1, 2015 by WVCBP
Gary Zuckett: Should Federal EITC Reward Work Permanently?

Charleston Gazette-Mail - There has been coverage in the media lately on the activities of the new coalition promoting the creation of a state EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) but not as much attention to the federal EITC and Child Tax Credits (CTC), major portions of which are set to expire in 2017 unless Congress…

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November 15, 2015 by WVCBP
Let Us Honor the Working Poor

Clarksburg Exponent-Telegram - A month ago, Pope Francis told Congress of his admiration for working folk striving “each day to do an honest day’s work, to bring home their daily bread, to save money and — one step at a time — to build a better life for their families.” ReadThen, rather than accepting the invitation…

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October 12, 2015 by WVCBP
Ed Davis and Jennifer Thacker: Earned income Tax Credit Provides Work Incentive

Charleston Gazette-Mail - EITC gives working families a hand up, not a hand out ReadThe U.S. Census Bureau has released annual figures on poverty in America, and once again West Virginia has one of the nation’s highest rates of poverty in the country.One quarter of West Virginia children live in poverty, a number that’s been…

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September 7, 2015 by WVCBP
Ed Davis, Jennifer Thacker: Renewing Tax Credits Vital to Working Families

Huntington Herald-Dispatch - Mounds of receipts, a mad dash to beat the clock - that's what comes to mind for many Americans when you mention April 15. But tax season is about much more than paperwork and refund checks. It's about hard work, livelihoods and futures. ReadFor many low-income West Virginia workers, the federal Earned…

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August 29, 2015 by WVCBP
Gazette Editorial: Take Care of Working Parents First in Tax Breaks

Charleston Gazette-Mail - If you like the idea of rewarding people who work, then you probably like the Earned Income Tax Credit. ReadIt is no wonder that both Democrats and Republicans support it. It only goes to people who work. Parents qualify for a higher credit than childless people. It phases out as incomes rise.…

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August 2, 2015 by Sean O'Leary
Sean O’Leary: Remember Facts in Prevailing Wage Debate

Huntington Herald-Dispatch - The debate over West Virginia's prevailing wage law continues months after the Legislature passed S.B. 361, which required Workforce West Virginia to develop a new methodology for determining prevailing wage rates using all available economic evidence. ReadRecently, the Joint Committee on Government and Finance rejected the proposed new methodology, in part because…

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July 25, 2015 by Ted Boettner
Ted Boettner: Coal Miners’ Struggle

New York Times - “Miners Bracing for a Future of Ever-Dwindling Demand for Coal” (front page, July 18), about the struggles of coal miners, captured a vivid picture of Appalachian coal communities suffering from the industry’s collapse. ReadWe must not forget that these communities fueled our expansion westward, energized the Industrial Revolution and powered our…

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July 24, 2015 by Ted Boettner
Ted Boettner: Congress Must Act to Revitalize Appalachian Coal Communities

The Hill Blog - For more than a century, Appalachian coal communities have given more to the American dream and received less in return than any other region of our country. They’ve fueled our expansion westward, driven the industrial revolution, and powered our way to victory in two World Wars. At the same time, Appalachians…

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July 4, 2015 by WVCBP
Linda Frame: Letting Tax Credits Expire Will Hurt Our Veterans

Huntington Herald-Dispatch - While the Fourth of July is a time to celebrate our country with family and friends, it's also a day to honor the heroes who have defended our freedom by serving in our military. ReadOne way to honor service members, veterans and their families this year is to ask Congress to save…

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