News Releases

January 28, 2015 by WVCBP
West Virginia’s Prevailing Wage Law is Smart Business, Good for Workers

For Immediate Release Contact Sean O'Leary at 304-720-8682 or Report Shows W.Va. has Lower Construction Costs than Non-PWL States West Virginia lawmakers considering a repeal of the state's long-standing prevailing wage are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist and it could hurt working families and our local economy. This according to a…

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January 14, 2015 by Ted Boettner
New Analysis: Low- and Middle-Income Taxpayers in West Virginia Pay a Higher Tax Rate than the Richest West Virginians

For Immediate ReleaseContact: Ted Boettner, 304-590-3454 (cell), Jenice R. Robinson, 202-299-1066 (x 27); Jenice@itep.orgA new study released today by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) and the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy finds that the low- and middle-income West Virginians pay more in state and local taxes as a percent of their…

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October 15, 2014 by WVCBP
Registration Opens for Summit on Race Matters in Appalachia

For Immediate Release Contact: Ted Boettner or Linda Frame, 304-720-8682 –Registration is open for the Summit on Race Matters in Appalachia taking place in Charleston on November 10 and 11, 2014. The two-day conference, presented by several organizations and sponsors, will offer a unique opportunity for people from throughout West Virginia to participate in a…

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September 30, 2014 by Ted Boettner
Report Highlights Economic Recovery and Transition in the Mountain State State’s Energy Economy Shifts North

For Immediate Release Contact:    Ted Boettner, 304-590-3454 (cell), Rick Wilson, 304-993-8950 (cell) or 304-743-9459 or Sean O'Leary, 304-720-8682 While West Virginia's economic recovery from the Great Recession has been assisted by strong growth in the state's natural gas and oil industries and the expansion in health coverage from Medicaid, wages are stagnant, unemployment remains elevated,…

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September 18, 2014 by Sean O'Leary
Number of Poor West Virginians Remains High, Increase in Children Living in Poverty

For Immediate ReleaseContact Sean O'Leary Poverty remained high in West Virginia last year, with the number of children living in poverty growing. While the state's economy has grown since the end of the recession, that growth has not been widely shared, as thousands of West Virginians continue to struggle to afford basic necessities like housing, nutritious…

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September 16, 2014 by WVCBP
Number of Uninsured West Virginians Continues to Drop, Additional Progress Projected in Coming Years

For Immediate ReleaseContact: Erin Snyder, 304-720-8682 (office) or 304-382-7779 (cell), esnyder@wvpolicy.orgSlightly more West Virginians now have access to affordable health care, according to data released today from the Census Bureau's 2013 American Community Survey. In 2013, 14 percent of West Virginians were uninsured, a slight drop from 2012. PDF of news release.Even greater gains in…

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August 7, 2014 by Ted Boettner
West Virginia is Relying on Faulty Process to Estimate Revenue

Reforms needed to ensure greater fiscal responsibility and promote public trust Contact: Ted Boettner, 304-720-8682, West Virginia should make improvements to the way it estimates revenues in order to create a more fiscally responsible budget, according to a new report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. In the report's evaluation of how…

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April 10, 2014 by WVCBP
Wetzel County Impacted by Shale Drilling Boom, but Still Has High Unemployment

Contact: Sean O'Leary at or Linda Frame at or 304-720-8682 Case Studies Compare Impacts Across Multi-State Region – The boom in Marcellus Shale gas drilling is having a wide-ranging impact, especially across West Virginia and into Ohio and Pennsylvania. An in-depth look at four counties, two in Pennsylvania and one each in Ohio…

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March 25, 2014 by Ted Boettner
Governor Tomblin Should Sign Minimum Wage Increase

Contact:   Ted Boettner, 304.720.8682 and Tsedeye Gebreselassie, 212.285.3025   Lobbyist "Headaches" in Minimum Wage Bill Largely Groundless – On March 8, West Virginia lawmakers took an historic step to help thousands of workers by increasing the state minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.75 by 2016 with passage of  House Bill 4283. Now, special interest lobbyists may…

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March 11, 2014 by WVCBP
Advocates from OH, PA, WV Urge Common Approach to Shale Taxation

Media Contacts: Chris Lilienthal, Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center, (717) 255-7156 or Piet van Lier, Policy Matters Ohio, (216) 361-9801 or Linda Frame, West Virginia Center on Budget & Policy, (304) 720-8682 or View the Letter to the Governors at Comparable tax rate will allow states to address impacts and invest…

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