For Immediate Release Contact: Caitlin Cook, 304.543.4879 (Charleston, WV) -- Following the release of the House Republicans' new tax proposal, Ted Boettner Executive Director of the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy released the following statement: "The House GOP tax plan released yesterday is an expensive new giveaway to wealthy households and major corporations at the expense of low-and…
News Releases
For Immediate Release Contact, Jenice R. Robinson, 202.299.1066 x 29 - Caitlin Cook, 304.543.4879 A comparative analysis of economic trends in the nine states that do not levy an income tax and the nine states that levy the highest top income tax rates found that the latter group performed significantly better on more than half a dozen…
For Immediate Release Contact: Caitlin Cook, 304.543.4879 President Trump and congressional Republicans leaders' tax plan would eliminate the federal deduction for state and local taxes (SALT) and use the revenue to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations. This would be a bad tradeoff for low- and middle- income West Virginians, according…
For Immediate ReleaseContact: Caitlin Cook, 304.543.4879 The budget resolution that the Senate passed yesterday brings Congress one step closer to enacting $1.5 trillion in unpaid-for tax cuts largely for the wealthy and profitable corporations while making low- and middle-income Americans foot the bill. The budget sets up a fast-track, partisan process for passing the Republican tax…
For Immediate Release Media Contact: Caitlin Cook, 304.543.4879 Sustained economic gains and strong federal and state programs have led to welcomed progress in the nationwide fight against poverty over the last several years. This is good news. But West Virginia is not sharing in the national progress, as poverty here remains stagnant. And actions from…
For Immediate Release Media Contact: Linda Frame, 304.419.1454 Yesterday the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued federal regulations to protect people from the abusive payday lending industry. The "PaydayFreeLandia" Coalition - a group of civil rights, labor, faith-based and community organizations from the 15 states, including West Virginia, where predatory payday lending is illegal -…
For Immediate ReleaseMedia Contact: Caitlin Cook, 304.543.4879 Charleston, WV - The 2018 budget resolution that the House of Representatives passed today strips billions of dollars from a program that helps working families put food on the table to accommodate massive tax cuts for corporations and the very wealthy. Alongside drastic cuts to programs that expand…
For Immediate Release Media Contact: Caitlin Cook, 304-543-4879 (Charleston, WV) - Every year in West Virginia, around 4,000 juveniles will appear before a judge. Pending the judge's decision, a juvenile may be given an improvement period to address the behavior, put on probation, referred to a special court, or committed to some form of out-of-home…
For Immediate Release Media Contact: Caitlin Cook, 304.543.4879 While West Virginia continues to be a national leader in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, the fruits of that growth have not been shared broadly throughout the state. Nearly one-in-five West Virginians live in poverty, and the state has made little progress improving that statistic. West Virginia's…
For Immediate ReleaseMedia Contact: Caitlin Cook, 304-543-4879 (Charleston, WV) - Data released by the U.S. Census Bureau today shows that the Affordable Care Act is continuing to reduce the number of West Virginians without health insurance in 2016. The data on health insurance coverage showed that 96,000 West Virginians lacked health insurance in 2016, a decrease of…