Budget Beat

April 12, 2019 by WVCBP
Tell Us Your Story

The West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy is partnering with the West Virginia Council of Churches on Strength in Stability, a digital project telling the stories of West Virginians who were empowered by the security they found by receiving benefits from programs like SNAP and Medicaid. We tell the success stories of those who…

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April 5, 2019 by WVCBP
Governor Signs Good and Bad Policies Into Law

The March 27 deadline to take action on bills from Governor Jim Justice saw mixed results. The good news is that medical coverage for expecting mothers will be expanded through the signing of Senate Bill 564. This legislation will expand Medicaid and CHIP coverage to higher levels of income, ensuring more West Virginia children a…

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March 14, 2019 by WVCBP
The 2019 Legislative Session: the Good, the Bad, the Defeated

The 2019 Legislative Session ended this past Saturday. Overall, it was one of the more successful legislative sessions in recent years, all things considered. There were also a string of disappointments along with some surprising victories and the defeat of many bad bills. Reducing Food Insecurity (HB 2459): West Virginia was just one of three…

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March 1, 2019 by WVCBP
Medicaid Work Reporting Requirement Bill Dies

Wednesday's Crossover Day at the WV Legislature saw the demise of HB 3136, a bill that would have taken Medicaid coverage away from people who do not meet new work reporting requirements. Most Medicaid recipients who can work are already working- 68% of non-disabled adults on Medicaid in West Virginia are in working families. As…

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February 22, 2019 by WVCBP
House Moves to Cut Thousands Off Medicaid

95,000 low-income West Virginians are at risk of losing Medicaid coverage. Contact your delegates in the West Virginia House and ask them to oppose HB 3136, a bill that originated in the House Finance Committee this week, quickly making it to the House floor for first reading today. This risky and untested proposal to take…

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February 15, 2019 by WVCBP
The Latest from Under the Dome

The big news out of Charleston continues to be on the education front, with changes to the Senate's omnibus education reform bill (SB451) making it all the way through the House committee and amendment process, despite several attempts to put harmful measures back in the legislation. Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) were removed in the House…

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February 8, 2019 by WVCBP
West Virginia Shale Development Falls Short of Economic Promise

The nearly six-fold increase in West Virginia's natural gas production in the last decade, due largely to shale development, or fracking, has fallen short of expectations for economic growth, job creation, and tax revenue generation, according to a new report released by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) and the West Virginia…

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February 1, 2019 by WVCBP
Education Ominbus Bill Provides Public Funds for Private Schools

After a roller coaster week, the Senate's omnibus reform bill, SB 451, is currently on second reading before the full Senate with likely passage next week. The bill links teacher raises, promised by Governor Jim Justice, to a whole host of other issues, including controversial Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). Simply put, this voucher-like program would…

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January 25, 2019 by WVCBP
SNAP Bill Ending Ban Passes House!

Social Security Tax Cut Would Mostly Favor the Wealthy In his State of the State address, Governor Jim Justice proposed the elimination of the personal income tax on Social Security income. Justice's proposal, S.B 342, would completely exclude Social Security benefits from the state income tax, similar to how the state treats military retirement income.…

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January 18, 2019 by WVCBP
Missed Opportunities in Proposed West Virginia Budget

On Wednesday, legislators, community partners and concerned citizens took part in the 6th Annual Budget Breakfast for an overview of Governor Jim Justice's proposed budget. Those who would benefit from the governor's proposed tax cuts are largely high-wage earners, leaving low-wage families to continue to pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes. Here…

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