Budget Beat

July 2, 2021 by WVCBP
2021 Regional Jail Cost Freeze is Not a Long-term Solution to the Overcrowding Crisis

Last week, the Legislature provided a one-year relief to county governments by freezing the current regional jail per diem at $48.25, rather than allowing it to increase as scheduled to reflect the true daily cost of jail incarceration, nearly $55. Our new blog post explains why this temporary relief is simply a band-aid fix for county budgets…

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June 11, 2021 by WVCBP
Public Input Needed to Ensure ARPA Funds Reach Struggling Communities

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will allocate more than $1.355 billion in federal relief funds to the state of West Virginia to address the ongoing economic and health impacts of the pandemic. Recently, members of legislative leadership have called for a special session to fulfill the mandate set forth in House Bill 2014, which provides for legislative oversight for any…

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June 4, 2021 by WVCBP
American Jobs and Families Plans Provide Critical Aid to West Virginians, Include Revenue Proposals that Make Tax Code Fairer

WVCBP executive director Kelly Allen recently published an op-ed expressing support for the American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan, both of which would provide much-needed support to hundreds of thousands of West Virginians simply by asking the wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. Excerpt below: A higher tax rate on about 1%…

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May 21, 2021 by WVCBP
Proposed Tax Increases in the American Families Plan Would Affect Only 0.1 Percent of West Virginia Taxpayers

Last month, President Biden announced the American Families Plan (AFP) proposal, featuring major investments in K-12 education, child care, higher education, health care, and paid leave, as well as extended tax cuts for families and workers with children. The AFP also includes revenue-raising proposals that would affect only very high-income taxpayers. And while the benefits of the…

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May 14, 2021 by WVCBP
The State of Reentry and Barriers for Returning Citizens in West Virginia

Across the United States, citizens returning from prisons and jails face numerous obstacles as they reintegrate into their communities, including finding steady employment and stable housing, obtaining reliable transportation, and navigating the requirements of community supervision. The challenge in overcoming these obstacles is heightened in West Virginia, a rural state with limited access to transportation…

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May 7, 2021 by WVCBP
Criminal Justice Policy and the 2021 Legislative Session

The 2021 West Virginia legislative session ended last month, and now that the majority of the bills have been signed by the governor or passed into law without his signature, we can take stock of how criminal justice policies fared at the Capitol. Our newest blog post provides a recap of criminal justice bills that were introduced and…

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April 30, 2021 by WVCBP
Health Policy, the Social Safety Net, and the 2021 Legislative Session

Amid a public health emergency, the 2021 state legislative session presented a unique opportunity to improve health and wellness outcomes across West Virginia. This year, delegates and senators introduced several bills related to health care and the social safety net that will impact families across the state, especially those with lower incomes. While some bills…

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April 23, 2021 by WVCBP
Congress Should Prioritize Long-term Extensions of Critical Family Supports, Along with Additional Care Infrastructure

The health and economic impacts of COVID-19 have exacerbated longstanding economic inequities faced by West Virginians. Thankfully, the recent stimulus and rescue packages have shown us a way to rebuild from the pandemic by investing in families. In particular, the expansions of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in the American Rescue Plan (ARP)…

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