
May 5, 2021 by Quenton King
Criminal Justice Policy and the 2021 Legislative Session

The 2021 West Virginia legislative session ended last month, and now that the majority of the bills have been signed by the governor or passed into law without his signature, we can take stock of how criminal justice policies fared at the Capitol.  The 2020 session saw several bills that were strides toward reform and…

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April 29, 2021 by Rhonda Rogombe
Health Policy, the Social Safety Net, and the 2021 Legislative Session

Amid a public health emergency, the 2021 state legislative session presented a unique opportunity to improve health and wellness outcomes across West Virginia. This year, delegates and senators introduced several bills related to health care and the social safety net that will impact families across the state, especially those with lower incomes. While some bills…

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April 23, 2021 by WVCBP
Congress Should Prioritize Long-term Extensions of Critical Family Supports, Along with Additional Care Infrastructure

The health and economic impacts of COVID-19 have exacerbated longstanding economic inequities faced by West Virginians. Thankfully, the recent stimulus and rescue packages have shown us a way to rebuild from the pandemic by investing in families. In particular, the expansions of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in the…

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April 21, 2021 by Sean O'Leary
Taxes and the 2021 Legislative Session

Taxes were a major focus of the 2021 West Virginia legislative session, with the elimination of the state personal income tax a top priority for the governor as well as for House and Senate leadership. Fortunately for the state, all of the various proposals -- which each would have devastated the state budget while shifting…

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April 19, 2021 by Sean O'Leary
FY 2022 Budget Recap

Last week, Governor Justice approved the FY 2022 budget passed by the legislature at the end of session. While the fate of the budget was up in the air for most of the session as the legislature attempted to eliminate the income tax, by the time the session came to a close, only a few…

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April 8, 2021 by Sean O'Leary
Latest Senate Income Tax Elimination Bill Still Cuts Taxes for the Wealthy While Raising Taxes for Everyone Else and Slashing the Budget

Last night, on a narrow 18-16 vote, the Senate passed an amended version of HB 3300, making significant changes to the version of the bill that the Senate Finance Committee had introduced just days before. The amended bill was voted on mere hours after being introduced, and was passed without a full fiscal analysis. With…

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April 7, 2021 by Rhonda Rogombe
Three Ways the American Rescue Plan Improves West Virginians’ Health

Just last month, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) celebrated its eleventh birthday. The ACA is the most extensive health care reform law in the United States since the passage of Medicaid and Medicare in 1965. The ACA has granted over 20 million Americans more affordable and accessible health insurance. Beyond that, it has touched the lives of…

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March 30, 2021 by Sean O'Leary
Natural Gas Property Tax Cut Crosses Over to the Senate

A bill recently passed by the West Virginia House seeks to change how natural gas property is valued for property tax purposes and would impact local governments throughout the state. The bill, HB 2581, stems from a recent West Virginia Supreme Court case challenging how the State Tax Department calculates production expenses on natural gas…

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