Huntington Herald-Dispatch – Boss Babes WV, WV Free, and the WV Center on Budget and Policy are partnering this week to host an Unequal Happy Hour to highlight the gender pay gap and to advocate for policies that would close the gap. The event will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb.7 at Sam’s Uptown Cafe in Charleston. All are welcome to attend and women will receive discounted drink prices for the pay gap inequity they experience. The event will highlight the pay gap findings from the WVCBP and legislators discussing bills introduced to close the gap. Read article.
According to the report “Closing the Gender Pay Gap in West Virginia,” by the WV Center on Budget and Policy, West Virginia had the third largest pay gap in the nation in 2017 where women working full time year-round made 74 percent of what men made. The report says the gap is even larger for women of color; black women made 63 percent and Hispanic women made 60 percent compared to all men. Statewide, the gender pay gap resulted in $3.7 billion in lost earnings for women in West Virginia in 2017, according to the group.