Blog Posts > Report: Status of Economy has Minimal Effect on Racial Disparities in West Virginia
November 18, 2020

Report: Status of Economy has Minimal Effect on Racial Disparities in West Virginia

Charleston Gazette-Mail – Racial disparity in West Virginia looks the same during a recession as it does during periods of economic growth, according to a new report released this month. Read the full article.

From economic status and education to health care access and infant mortality rates, almost every measure of racial inequality in the State of Working West Virginia 2020: The State of Inequality report is similar to measurements taken in the West Virginia Center on Budget Policy’s 2010 “Legacy of Inequality” report.

The think tank teamed up with the American Friends Service Committee to compile the 2020 report.

The report, taken from data compiled before the COVID-19 pandemic, shows Black West Virginians are almost twice as likely to be living in poverty compared to white West Virginians.

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