The Legislative Gazette (NY) – Researchers from states that are experienced with hydraulic fracturing released a collaborative report on how gas drilling has affected four counties in the United States and made recommendations to states considering allowing fracking within their borders. Read
Authors of the report found the counties highlighted in the report were not prepared for the costs and problems they faced after fracking was allowed and recommend that states planning to allow fracking improve their transportation infrastructure, especially preparing roads for big trucks; bolster public services such as police and emergency services; and control the drilling industry through zoning laws and frequent communication.
The Multi-state Shale Research Collaborative collects studies performed by researchers in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio, focused on the impacts of fracking. A new report released by the group looks at the costs and benefits of fracking in counties in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, where fracking was, or still is, very prominent. The report includes how these counties have benefited by higher employment numbers and increased tax revenue as well as the costs associated with the controversial drilling process such as traffic problems, crime, homelessness and even increased school dropout rates.