Blog Posts > How Would Lewis County Make Up for Revenue Losses if Amendment 2 Passes?
October 4, 2022

How Would Lewis County Make Up for Revenue Losses if Amendment 2 Passes?

WBOY – The West Virginia Center for Budget and Policy held a meeting Tuesday to discuss Amendment 2 in Lewis County.

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The meeting took place at the Lewis County Judicial Annex where taxpayers were able to discuss with officials the proposed impacts Amendment two could have on the county if passed. Amendment 2 proposes taking 27% of personal property taxes and giving the state legislature control over those funds. This amendment would give the state legislature the power to provide personal property exemptions for equipment and inventory directly used for business.

“We had Delegate Burkhammer come to our September council meeting to discuss the ramifications of Amendment two. And we wanted to make sure that he understood that the city’s revenue would be cut by somewhere between $76,000 and $98,000 a year,” said Kim Harrison-Edwards, mayor of the City of Weston. “That is a severe cut to our budget, and we would be hard pressed to find ways to continue the same level of services and make those cuts.”

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