Posts > Governor Says West Virginia Will Hit Tax Cut Trigger, and He Wants Even More
July 1, 2024

Governor Says West Virginia Will Hit Tax Cut Trigger, and He Wants Even More

West Virginia MetroNews – Just before cutting a ribbon that said “taxes” and admiring a balloon drop, Gov. Jim Justice today said the state is on track for another automatic personal income tax cut of 3% to 4% — and the governor said he would call legislators in for a cut even beyond that.

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“I want to call you back, and I want to challenge you to some way somehow try to do an additional 5 percent on the personal income tax,” Justice said, addressing lawmakers. “It’ll be tough, but there’s a way to do it, and all of us can work together and try to figure out how to do it and how to do it now.”

Justice said a special session to consider the additional tax cut would be in August or September. He said lawmakers also should consider policies bolstering child support at that time.

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