Posts > Food Stamps: How Stricter SNAP Work Requirements May Negatively Impact Employment & More
January 24, 2024

Food Stamps: How Stricter SNAP Work Requirements May Negatively Impact Employment & More

Yahoo News – Recently, several policies have made changes to work requirements for food stamps. Instead of increasing employment rates and decreasing the number of people who rely on food assistance programs, studies have shown it’s had a negative impact on local communities.

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Work requirements are meant to force Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients considered work-ready and able-bodied to increase or maintain their work effort by withholding benefits if a person is not working a minimum number of hours, enrolled in certain training or education programs, or actively looking for employment.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), work reporting requirements harm SNAP recipients and do not increase employment. In fact, most SNAP participants who can work already do. Before the pandemic, the CBPP found that nearly three-quarters of adults participating in SNAP in a typical month worked either that month or within a year of that month of participation.

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