Posts > DoHS Prepares to Implement New Intake System for Abuse, Neglect Reports
July 19, 2024

DoHS Prepares to Implement New Intake System for Abuse, Neglect Reports

WCHS – The West Virginia Department of Human Services announced this week it is partnering with a nonprofit called Evident Change to create a new intake tool when dealing with abuse and neglect cases.

Read the full article.

The intent is to provide a differentiated call system that will allow the staff who does intake to help or refer cases to other supports if the circumstances do not reach the threshold of abuse or neglect.

“This system will enable the Department to better serve families in West Virginia, particularly in cases that do not meet the standards for abuse and neglect investigation but still require our attention and support,” DoHS Cabinet Secretary Cynthia Persily said in a release. “This Department’s goal is to provide a more tailored and effective response to the unique needs of each family in West Virginia, ultimately strengthening the community as a whole.”

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