Tax and Budget

May 19, 2023 by Seth DiStefano
Crisis in Volunteer Fire Department Funding Highlights Consequences of Budget Austerity 

In West Virginia over 95 percent of fire departments are staffed by volunteers or mostly volunteers. Volunteer Fire Departments (VFDs) protect 85 percent of the state’s population serving as the bedrock of first response across our state. Despite the clear need to keep these life-saving services available, VFDs have seen stagnant state funding that has failed…

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May 15, 2023 by Seth DiStefano
WV Center for Budget and Policy Talks Public Resources Amid Tax Cuts

WBOY - A representative from the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy (WVCBP) held a meeting at the Morgantown Public Library downtown this evening.   Read the full article. Much of the meeting spoke about how the state does not have a surplus of money in its budget and how the loss of the…

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May 6, 2023 by WVCBP
Statehouse Beat: Inflated Budget Surpluses Proving Costly for WV

Charleston Gazette-Mail - West Virginia politics is a bundle of contradictions, as we’ve seen recently. Read the full article. At roughly the same time Gov. Jim Justice was lauding the latest state budget surplus figures (made possible by hilariously low-balled revenue estimates), legislators were hearing about how multiple state agencies, notably Highways and DHHR, owe…

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May 5, 2023 by Sean O'Leary
Days Are Numbered For State’s Severance Tax Windfall, Expert Says

West Virginia Public Broadcasting - Higher coal and natural gas prices, and higher demand for both generated a severance tax windfall that fattened the state’s budget surplus last year. But the prices for both fossil fuels have declined in recent months.  Read the full article. Sean O’Leary, senior policy analyst for the West Virginia Center…

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May 4, 2023 by Sean O'Leary
Predicting West Virginia’s Budget This West Virginia Morning

West Virginia Public Broadcasting - On this West Virginia Morning, higher coal and natural gas prices, alongside higher demand for both fossil fuels, generated a severance tax windfall that fattened the state’s budget surplus last year. But the prices for both fossil fuels have declined in recent months.  Listen to the full segment. Sean O’Leary, senior policy…

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May 3, 2023 by Sean O'Leary
Setting State Revenue Estimates Subject Of Debate

West Virginia Public Broadcasting - West Virginia’s annual budget is based on revenue estimates that come from the governor’s office. The budget surplus comes from taxes collected above those revenue estimates. How those estimated amounts are determined garners differing points of view. Listen to the full segment. Sean O’Leary is the senior policy analyst at…

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May 2, 2023 by Sean O'Leary
Gov. Jim Justice Calls April Revenue Collection Historic

Charleston Gazette-Mail, Coal Valley News - Gov. Jim Justice announced this week the largest single-month surplus in West Virginia history. Read the full article. During an announcement Monday at the Capitol, the governor said West Virginia’s general revenue collection for April 2023 was $319 million above estimates, marking the largest single-month surplus in state history.…

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April 18, 2023 by WVCBP
New Report Provides FY 2024 Budget Details, Examines 2023 Tax Cuts and Their Consequences

For Immediate Release: April 18, 2023 Contact: Renee Alves, 559-916-5939 Charleston, WV – During the 2023 West Virginia legislative session, lawmakers had the opportunity to use available revenues to address longstanding needs like ensuring PEIA and Medicaid solvency, filling crisis-level staffing vacancies across state agencies, or increasing investments in neglected areas like higher education and child care. But instead,…

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