Tax and Budget

January 9, 2019 by Sean O'Leary
What to Watch for in the Governor’s Budget

Governor Justice will be making his State of the State address this week, followed by the release of his proposed FY 2020 budget. Here's some key areas of the budget to watch for: Pay Raise and PEIA The governor has previously promised an additional five-percent pay raise for public employees, as well as pledging $100…

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December 26, 2018 by Sean O'Leary
A Severance Tax Cut Would Be Coal in West Virginia’s Stocking

One year after celebrating the repeal of the Clean Power Plan, the West Virginia Coal Association, apparently unhappy with the results of the "most impactful decision to date for the nation’s energy security and stability," is back asking for more, once again calling for a reduction in the coal severance tax. The Coal Association argues that…

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December 13, 2018 by Sean O'Leary
PEIA Task Force Comes Up Empty on Big Question

Last Spring, Governor Justice formed the West Virginia PEIA Task Force  which was set up to find a long-term solution to the issues facing the West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Agency, namely the growing cost of health care for teachers and other public employees. The deadline for the task force's recommendations was this week, and while…

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November 20, 2018 by Sean O'Leary
State Tax Policy Can Advance Racial Equity

Earlier this month, a report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy showed how the federal tax cut bill signed last year by President Trump exacerbated the growing racial wealth gap in the country. By gearing the bulk of its tax cuts to the very wealthy, who are overwhelmingly white, the Tax Cuts and…

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November 13, 2018 by Sean O'Leary
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is Increasing the Racial Wealth Gap

A new report  from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy and Prosperity Now takes a look at the federal tax cut bill passed by Congress and signed into law last year by President Trump and its impact on growing the racial wealth gap. Previous reports have shown that the tax cuts in the Tax Cuts…

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October 30, 2018 by Ted Boettner
West Virginia Cities Benefit From Online Sales Taxes Too

On October 1, the West Virginia Tax Department issued guidelines and outlined intentions to start collecting sales taxes from remote internet retailers on January 1, 2019. As Charleston Gazette-Mail reporter Phil Kabler recently noted, this was a sharp policy shift. Nearly four months ago, Governor Justice proclaimed he had no intentions to allow the state to collect online sales taxes and that,…

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October 30, 2018 by Ted Boettner
Business Tax Incentives: Advantages & Perils

On October 30, 2018, Executive Director Ted Boettner presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the West Virginia Tax Institute in Morgantown, WV on the advantages and disadvantages of business tax incentives. Read presentation.

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October 18, 2018 by Sean O'Leary
West Virginia’s Tax System Contributes To Inequality

State and local tax systems can be effectively used to boost economic opportunity, create broadly shared prosperity and build equitable state economies. But in most states, including West Virginia, tax systems are upside down and are making inequality worse, as a new report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) shows. The ITEP report examines the state…

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October 17, 2018 by Sean O'Leary
Who Pays? 2018

The lowest-income West Virginians pay 21 percent more in taxes as a percent of their income compared to the state's wealthiest residents, according to a new study released today by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) and the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy. The study, Who Pays? A Distributional Analysis of the Tax Systems in…

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