Tax and Budget

February 2, 2021 by WVCBP
Broad Coalition of Organizations Calls on State Leaders to Protect Revenues, Public Services in Upcoming Legislative Session

For Immediate Release: February 2, 20201Contact: Renee Alves, 559-916-5939 Charleston, WV - With West Virginia still feeling the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic recession, the state’s leaders face difficult decisions in the upcoming legislative session. Increasing numbers of West Virginians are struggling to feed their families, remain in their homes, keep their businesses afloat, and protect their…

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January 30, 2021 by Quenton King
Crowded Jails Costing Counties More Than They can Pay

Charleston Gazette-Mail - West Virginia is incarcerating more people than its regional jail system is meant to hold, and it is costing some county governments more money than they can pay. Read the full article. At least 10 counties in West Virginia are more than 90 days past due on a combined $9 million in…

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January 28, 2021 by Sean O'Leary
How Do You Pay for a $2.1 Billion Tax Cut?

Urge your legislators to protect revenues by taking action here. We've covered Governor Justice's and legislative leadership's goal of eliminating the state's personal income tax from several angles over the past few weeks, showing that states without income taxes aren't growing any faster than states with the highest income taxes, that eliminating the income tax…

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January 28, 2021 by WVCBP
Groups Ask West Virginia Lawmakers to Commit to ‘Open’ Legislative Session

WV News - A coalition of 40 organizations from around the state are calling on West Virginia lawmakers to commit to holding an open and transparent legislative session. Read the full article. In a letter sent to the Democratic and Republican leadership teams in the House of Delegates and state Senate, the groups urge legislators…

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January 23, 2021 by WVCBP
Rick Wilson: Eliminating WV Income Tax Would be Disastrous

Charleston Gazette-Mail - Some of West Virginia’s political leaders want to abolish the state income tax. One has even said doing so would help bring 400,000 new people to live in West Virginia. Read the full article. If memory serves, some of the same people predicted that abolishing the state’s prevailing wage for workers on public…

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January 17, 2021 by Kelly Allen
Across the State

WV News - In the midst of a pandemic and an economic recession, politicians in a number of states, including West Virginia, are looking at cutting income taxes this session, panelists in a discussion hosted by the West Virginia Center on Budget & Policy said Thursday. Read the full article. “It’s inexplicable to us. It’s almost…

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January 17, 2021 by Kelly Allen
W.Va. Officials Want to Cut the Income Tax, but it’s a Big Budget Challenge

West Virginia MetroNews - West Virginia’s top elected officials are aiming at phasing out the state income tax, but doing so would be a major lift. Read the full article. The personal income tax represents 43 percent of the General Fund, or $1.97 billion of the base budget this fiscal year. In other words, it…

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January 16, 2021 by WVCBP
Statehouse Beat: There GOP Goes Again on Income Taxes

Charleston Gazette-Mail - I have a sneaking suspicion that the 2021 legislative session will be known as the session where bad ideas came to roost. Read the full article. The worst of those ideas already has resurfaced: Phasing out the state personal income tax. As a panel of budget and policy experts assembled by the…

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