Reports & Briefs

August 4, 2009 by WVCBP
Policy Change Would Extend Unemployment Benefits for Jobless West Virginians

More than 6,100 jobless workers in West Virginia will run out of unemployment benefits by the end of 2009. West Virginia could provide additional help to these workers under provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. States with high unemployment rates may provide up to 20 more weeks of Extended Benefits, fully paid by…

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July 20, 2009 by WVCBP
Financing Health Reform Without Burdening Working Families

With health care reform estimated to cost around $1 trillion over the next 10 years, the means must now be found to pay the bill. A recent report by Citizens for Tax Justice highlighted three proposals that would raise the needed revenue without burdening working families already struggling to make ends meet. Read

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May 1, 2009 by Ted Boettner,
Taxing West Virginia’s Coal Reserves: A Primer

This report describes the history and current methods of taxing one of the state’s most valuable resources. It is intended as a useful reference for county officials, coal companies, landowners, and local citizens. Morgantown-based Downstream Strategies prepared the report, in collaboration with the WV Center on Budget and Policy. Read

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