
December 23, 2012 by WVCBP
Give Low-Income Working Families a Tax Break

As the nation inches closer to the dreaded "fiscal cliff," much of the public's anxiety is focused on spending cuts and income tax increases that will hit middle- and upper-income households unless Congress and the president strike a deal that pulls us back from the edge. Read Comparatively little attention is being paid to the…

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November 22, 2012 by Ted Boettner
State Tax Differences Don’t Affect Growth

In a recent editorial, "Weak economies lead to income inequality," the Daily Mail wrongly concluded that generous (high tax) states underperform economically compared to stingy (low tax) states. Read The reality is that most academic research finds that tax differences between states have only a small effect on economic growth. Why? Simple arithmetic. Take business taxes.…

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November 4, 2012 by WVCBP
Renate Pore: Health Reform Helps Thousands of West Virginia Seniors

Charleston Gazette - Health reform is working for West Virginia seniors. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, West Virginia seniors on Medicare have saved almost $60 million on prescription drug costs. Link to article This year alone 28,700 seniors saved $23 million or an average of $817 per person. Health reform is…

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September 8, 2012 by WVCBP
Rick Wilson: Status of Working West Virginians

The Charleston Gazette -- Recently I worked on a report on how working people are faring in West Virginia. The report, the fifth of its kind in so many years, is "The State of Working West Virginia" by the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy. Read

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August 25, 2012 by WVCBP
Renate Pore: Expanded Medicaid Makes Sense

The Charleston Gazette -- If West Virginia could improve the health, well-being and financial security of more than 100,000 of our friends and neighbors, wouldn't we jump at the opportunity? Read

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July 30, 2012 by Ted Boettner
Ted Boettner: Manchin’s Tax Vote Was the Correct One

Charleston Daily Mail -- I strongly applaud Sen. Joe Manchin for standing up this week for working families in West Virginia by voting to continue tax cuts for the middle class, end those that benefit only the richest two percent of taxpayers, and protect critical tax relief for thousands of West Virginia's low-income working families.…

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June 2, 2012 by Ted Boettner
Patton, Hanauer, Ward and Boettner: Gas states unite!

The Charleston Gazette -- Our states' economic recovery requires long-term strategies that protect basic rights like clean water and air, that provide dependable public funding for public goods like elementary schools and that engender sufficient private financing seeking realistic rates of return for business ventures. Read

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