
May 19, 2015 by WVCBP
David McMahon: Federal Payday Rules Helpful, but W.Va. Should Keep its Stronger Laws

Charleston Gazette - The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently released a working draft of a proposal to rein in abuses by payday and car-title lenders. West Virginia’s statutes putting a cap on interest rates essentially outlaw such high-priced schemes on the ground here, but our state should still pay attention. ReadThe Consumer Financial…

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May 9, 2015 by WVCBP
Linda Frame: Tax Credit Makes Difference for Working Moms, Kids

Working West Virginia moms are never off the clock. From packing lunches in the morning to tucking kids in at night, moms put in a lot more than a full day’s work. And every dollar they work for is hard earned. That’s why we are celebrating moms on Sunday. ReadBut this Mother’s Day, it’s also…

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April 19, 2015 by Ted Boettner
Ted Boettner: Some Tax Reforms Could Help W.Va., but Not the Proven Failures

Sunday Gazette-Mail -As the Legislature moves to revamp our state’s tax system this year, lawmakers should avoid doubling down on the failed policies of the past and work toward changes that will support working families and stronger investments in our economy. ReadWhile we all want good-paying jobs and a stronger economy, the large corporate tax…

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April 17, 2015 by Ted Boettner
Ted Boettner: Abolishing Personal Income Tax is a Poor Strategy

Charleston Daily Mail - As West Virginia lawmakers ponder getting rid of the state income tax, they would be wise to heed the recent experience of Kansas and an older exercise in tax cutting in our state. Neither turned out well for the people of Kansas or West Virginia. ReadThe idea of abolishing the personal…

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March 6, 2015 by WVCBP
Betty Rivard: Proposal for Constitutional Convention Too Risky

Charleston Gazette - Our Legislature is considering a number of resolutions that could fundamentally alter our U.S. Constitution and put our democracy at risk. While the resolutions call for a constitutional convention of the states to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, a convention could lead to sweeping, fundamental changes to our country. ReadAlthough…

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February 25, 2015 by Sean O'Leary
Sean O’Leary: Drug Testing Welfare Recipients Wasteful, Unnecessary

Charleston Gazette - West Virginia’s Legislature is moving forward with a costly and ineffective bill targeted at only the poorest West Virginians. ReadThe bill, SB 348, would create a three-county pilot program to begin drug-testing recipients of cash assistance. The costs of the drug screening would be deducted from the TANF recipients’ monthly check and…

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February 20, 2015 by Ted Boettner
Ted Boettner: Nothing ‘Free Market’ About Right to Work

Huntington Herald-Dispatch - The new Republican Legislature is looking to end free bargaining in West Virginia by adopting a so-called "right-to-work" (RTW) law that aims to cut wages and benefits for the state's working families. ReadThis is the last thing West Virginia needs. The state already has the highest share of low-wage jobs in the…

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February 19, 2015 by Ted Boettner
Ted Boettner: Nothing ‘Free Market’ about Right to Work

Charleston Daily Mail - The Legislature is looking to end free bargaining in West Virginia by adopting a so-called “right-to-work” law.The result would be cutting wages and benefits for the state’s working families. West Virginia already has the highest share of low-wage jobs in the country.The principle aim of right-to-work laws is to diminish the…

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February 6, 2015 by Sean O'Leary
Sean O’Leary: Prevailing Wage is a Good Investment for West Virginia

Charleston Daily Mail and Huntington Herald-Dispatch - Over the next few weeks the Legislature will consider repealing or sharply scaling back the state’s prevailing wage law. ReadIn place since the 1930s, West Virginia’s prevailing wage law requires jobs on public construction projects pay a minimum wage based on occupation and area, typically from $15 to…

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January 13, 2015 by Ted Boettner
West Virginia State Budget Must Reflect Our Priorities

State Journal - In 1970, former West Virginia Speaker of the House Ivor F. Boiarsky paraphrased coach Vince Lomabardi, saying that the “state budget isn't everything, but sometimes it comes close to being the only thing.” ReadThis is because it is the one law that makes our state government function. It contains thousands of decisions…

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