
April 27, 2016 by WVCBP
Renate Pore: Smart WV Budget Fix Will Save Essential Services

As the Legislature discusses the West Virginia budget, I hope that they will bring a smart business approach to our budget dilemmas. Nobody like taxes but everybody wants good roads, good schools, health care, police protection and other services that require investments by our state. Read West Virginia legislators should understand that upfront investments are…

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April 20, 2016 by Seth DiStefano
Seth DiStefano: Rohrbach Worked to Add Tax Credit

Huntington Herald-Dispatch - The Working Families Coalition extends an enthusiastic thank you to West Virginia Del. Matthew Rohrbach, R-Cabell, for his efforts to establish a state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which would give a much-deserved break to people who work but struggle to get by on low wages. ReadEarlier this year, Del. Rohrbach took the…

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April 18, 2016 by WVCBP
Linda Frame: Those Taxes You Paid Support Needed Public Investment

As you mail that tax payment today – or if you have and are reflecting on the meaning of “tax day” -- think of all the important investments you are making.It can be easy to take for granted all the necessities we invest in with our tax dollars. Roads, bridges, schools, safety inspectors, firefighters, police…

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April 15, 2016 by Ted Boettner
Ted Boettner: More Revenue Crucial to Solve WV Budget Crisis

Charleston Gazette - When lawmakers reconvene this spring to address the state’s looming budget crisis, it is clear that a balanced approach that includes revenue is needed to get our fiscal house in order and help our state’s struggling economy. A cuts-only approach could not only lead to mass layoffs and pain for thousands of…

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February 29, 2016 by Ted Boettner
Ted Boettner and Michael Leachman: Reject a Reckless Convention

Martinsburg Journal, the State Journal - The U.S. Constitution has served us well for over two centuries, through many periods of great strain and discord. It is appropriate to consider amendments to the Constitution only with deep respect and deliberate care, as has been done over the years. Unfortunately, the West Virginia Legislature is considering…

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February 20, 2016 by WVCBP
Saul Harlow: W.Va. Earned Income Tax Credit Would Help Economy, Families, Future

Beckley Register-Herald -For over 40 years, the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has helped working families who work for low wages. ReadSupported by both Republicans and Democrats, the EITC is an anti-poverty, pro-work tax credit which puts more money into the pockets of hard-working families. In fact, Congress recently improved the federal EITC, with…

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February 20, 2016 by WVCBP
Tara Martinez: We Need to Protect U.S. Constitution

Charleston Gazette - An effort to alter the U.S. Constitution through a constitutional convention being considered by the West Virginia Legislature could bring about unintended, damaging consequences. ReadThat’s why many scholars, economists, lawmakers, policy experts — and leading conservative organizations — rightly oppose such a move.A constitutional convention could unravel our nation’s fundamental rights and…

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February 4, 2016 by WVCBP
Seth DiStefano: Good for WV Families — a State EITC

Charleston Gazette-Mail - It’s not too late for West Virginia policy makers to help hard-working families build a solid future. ReadLawmakers could accomplish this by joining the 26 states (plus the District of Columbia) that have adopted a state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). EITCs are a proven way to help move families toward the…

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January 27, 2016 by Seth DiStefano
Seth DiStefano: Legislature Should Follow Congressional Lead on EITC

The State Journal - Recently, West Virginia’s Republican Congressional delegation, led by U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, helped thousands of West Virginians with its vote for a working families tax credit. This huge step means that improvements made to the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Children’s Tax Credit (CTC) years ago are now…

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January 17, 2016 by Ted Boettner
Ted Boettner: Free Market Folly in West Virginia

Charleston Gazette-Mail - All too often, public policy debates get couched between those who favor government intervention in the market and those who do not. When it comes to economic issues, the framing is usually that conservatives favor less government or the “free market” while progressives want government solutions and non-market outcomes. This framing is…

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