News Releases

November 9, 2012 by WVCBP
New Report Offers Solutions to Cuts in Child Care

Contact: Ted Boettner, 304-720-8682 or 304-590-3454 (cell), Read report Report Also Explores Structure and Importance of Child Care Assistance –Every day in West Virginia, thousands of working families rely on public child care assistance so they can keep the jobs they need to support their families while also providing a safe and reliable environment…

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October 16, 2012 by WVCBP
Are Business Tax Incentives Working?

Contact: Sean O'Leary at 304-720-8682, Read report New Report Highlights the Need for Transparency and Evaluation of Tax Incentives –West Virginia spends millions of dollars each year on tax incentives to attract businesses and boost job creation, but taxpayers and policymakers have little information about whether or not they are getting their money's worth and…

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September 1, 2012 by WVCBP
State of Working West Virginia 2012

While the state slowly recovers from the Great Recession, struggles remain. There is only one job opening for every four people looking for work, the state has the lowest workforce participation rate in the nation, and West Virginia workers earn, on average, one dollar less an hour than the national average. Raising the minimum wage,…

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August 8, 2012 by WVCBP
West Virginia Requires a Balanced Approach to the Federal Deficit

If significant new revenue isn't included, efforts to reduce federal deficits would almost certainly damage West Virginia's economic recovery and future economic growth by drastically cutting federal investments in schools, roads and bridges, safe communities, and disaster relief. Read

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July 18, 2012 by WVCBP
Implementing Work Sharing Could Help Both Business and Workers During Economic Downturns

In times of economic uncertainty, employers are sometimes forced to lay-off their workers to cut costs and stay profitable. Lay-offs hurt employees and can cause businesses to lose experienced workers. Instead, companies can use work sharing, a voluntary program that allows employers to use unemployment benefits to retain their workers and avert lay-offs. Read

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June 20, 2012 by WVCBP
Two Approaches to Extending Bush Tax Cuts Would Impact West Virginians Differently

Middle-income and low-income West Virginians would pay somewhat more in taxes under the House's approach to extending the Bush tax cuts than they would under President Obama's approach, while high-income West Virginians would pay far less under the House approach, according to a new analysis from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy and Citizens…

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June 15, 2012 by WVCBP
Report Breaks New Ground on Immigrant Businesses

More than one in six small business owners in the United States is an immigrant, according to a new report from the Fiscal Policy Institute's Immigration Research Initiative. Immigrants -- people born in another country -- make up 18 percent of all small business owners in the United States. By contrast, immigrants are 13 percent…

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