
February 25, 2021 by WVCBP
New Report Predicts Power of Investments in Clean Energy Infrastructure in WV

Charleston Gazette-Mail - Visions of a more prosperous West Virginia abounded during a virtual news conference Thursday that focused on new findings from an economic and job impact study that made the case for sweeping investments in Appalachian infrastructure. Read the full article. It’ll take a lot of money and political willpower to make those visions a…

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February 22, 2021 by WVCBP
Joe Manchin Poses a Threat to Raising the Minimum Wage, Even Though 250,000 West Virginians Would Benefit from the Increase

Business Insider, Today UK News, Yahoo News, Good Word News - Congressional Democrats are scrambling to keep their $15 federal minimum wage proposal included in President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus plan this week as they face an unlikely obstacle: centrist members of their own party. Read the full article. Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and…

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February 17, 2021 by WVCBP
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in West Virginia in 2020

Introduction The health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have had profound consequences for West Virginia families and communities, and structural and longstanding health and poverty challenges have been magnified. Before the crisis, West Virginia had the fourth highest poverty rate in the country and among the worst health outcomes and indicators. This made…

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February 11, 2021 by Kelly Allen
Legislators may Assert More Authority over Federal Emergency Appropriations

West Virginia MetroNews - A first bill aimed at refining the governor’s emergency powers is headed for a vote in the House of Delegates. Read the full article. For months, lawmakers have been watching Gov. Jim Justice’s use of CARES Act relief funding. West Virginia received $1.25 billion in federal relief, and Gov. Jim Justice…

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February 8, 2021 by Kelly Allen
West Virginia Has Everyone’s Attention. What Does It Really Need?

The New York Times - The wisecrack about West Virginia is that it can now have whatever it wants: fancy new highways, a federal installation or two, maybe a few extra grand per capita in stimulus checks. Read the full article. Joe Manchin, the state’s senior senator and a centrist Democrat, has swiftly become one…

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January 20, 2021 by Sean O'Leary
What Will The Next Year Look Like For W.Va.’s Economy?

WV Public Broadcasting - The COVID-19 pandemic devastated the economy across much of the world and the country, including West Virginia. But, economists are hopeful for recovery with the rollout of the vaccine, pointing to early signs of a rebound across several sectors and a prediction for full recovery to pre-pandemic levels next year. Read…

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December 22, 2020 by Sean O'Leary
Report: West Virginia Families Need Congress to Pass Stimulus

Public News Service - The new coronavirus stimulus bill will bring some food assistance to hungry Americans, and it couldn't come soon enough for West Virginia's families with children who aren't getting enough to eat during the pandemic. Read the full article. A new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation found since March, 17% of families…

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