For Immediate Release: January 11, 2022Contact: Renee Alves, 559-916-5939 Charleston, WV – West Virginia is a national outlier in regard to rising incarceration. From 2009 to 2019, West Virginia’s imprisonment rate grew 10 percent while the state imprisonment rate fell 16 percent nationally. This rapid growth in incarceration has continued unabated during the COVID-19 pandemic, exacerbating dangerous overcrowding…
Criminal Legal System
This issue brief was written for the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy by Brian Elderbroom. Elderbroom is the founder and president of Justice Reform Strategies, a consulting firm providing policy, communications, and management support to organizations committed to improving the criminal justice system. He is a national expert on sentencing and corrections policy…
Davis Vanguard - Across the United States, multiple states, including West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, and New Jersey are attempting to reform their money bail system. Read the full article. During the COVID-19 pandemic, inmate releases to alleviate confined prison conditions made the disease less deadly. And, coincidentally, the pandemic releases show confinement and bail are…
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the number of people incarcerated in prisons who were age 55 or older increased 400% between 1993 and 2013 nationwide, with those age 55 or older making up 10 percent of the total prison population in 2013. West Virginia has seen a similar trend in recent years. According…
Marshall Project - Nearly two million adults were incarcerated across the country, according to the 2020 Decennial Census. The latest figures show a 13% drop in the total number of incarcerated people, or nearly 300,000 fewer people, compared with the 2010 Census. Read the full article. Roughly one-third of the drop in total numbers occurred…
Point Pleasant Register - The West Virginia Reentry Councils organization is now hosting meetings for the Mason County area to help support those coming out of incarceration and help them rejoin the community. Read the full article. West Virginia Reentry Councils is a group established by the West Virginia Council of Churches with the goal…
Charleston Gazette-Mail, Opera News - More people are currently incarcerated in West Virginia’s regional jails than there were in 2020, when the Legislature passed a bail reform law meant to decrease the state’s jail population. Read the full article. That includes 2,681 people who have not been convicted of a crime. All of the state’s regional jails…
West Virginia Public Broadcasting - States across the country have taken stabs at reforming how the money bail system operates. In West Virginia, the state legislature passed HB 2419, a law enacted in June 2020 that aimed to limit bail amounts, and by extension, shrink the exploding jail population. Read the full article. HB 2419 calls for judges…
Mountain State Spotlight - Geard Mitchell remembers the day he turned 17. He was wearing an orange jumpsuit, sitting inside a Boone County juvenile correctional facility. The staff of the Donald R. Kuhn Juvenile Center didn’t put on much of a celebration, he recalled. No family or friends called or visited. The only sign of…
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, criminal justice experts and advocates have focused on ensuring the safety of incarcerated people from the virus. But even before the pandemic, jails and prisons were unsafe places for the people incarcerated within them. According to the latest report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) on mortality…